See Ya'll Again, One Day!


Active Member
You know how they talk about how Lucy and mushies make you all introspective and make life changing decisions, well I'm not on any right now but I just had one. I found out the true reason I was exploring this world and I think its time for a break. One day I might be ready for it but not now. I'll keep posting any art I have as a thanks for the good memories I'll have from you guys, but right now my heart just isn't into tripping anymore. Cheers, live life like you have only one that matters, remember that the life you live matters to many, but is only one spec of matter amongst it all.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
Good on ya' holmes. It takes a brave person to see through the masquerade that drugs provide.

But for some; the masquerade is all they have.


Well-Known Member
Good for you dude, you have done your travelling anyway!

Plus reality is pretty psychedelic in its own way :D


Well-Known Member
Oh wait, I totally forgot the druggy code of peer pressure.

Nooo dude, don't leave, you will be missing out, you will be . . . uncool, you will be a shell of your former drug addled self, your friends will leave you, your girlfriend will become gay, your teeth will rot, you will gain weight, one of your eyes will twitch uncontrolably, you can never leave.. melting melting oh my beautiful world melting!!


Well-Known Member
"In the 60`s we used to take LSD to make the world look weird, now we take prozac to make it look normal"



Active Member
One must come to a realization that they dont need psychedelics anymore They have found what they were "looking for". Some take longer than others.


GL man im sure your journey will amazing without them.