Second Shot at Cfl Grow


Well-Known Member
We'll I've been working on my grow box the past few days, and today while working on it got the worst phone call ever... one of my best friends for over 5 years died last night. He hit a tree coming home from college. He was one of the coolest, down to earth, hippies I knew. Always down to burn, loved his hallucinogens, and LOVED EVERYONE he met. Sh!t hits you hard when it's someone close to you....

That being said, I've decided to dedicate this grow to him. Since none of my plants are actual named strains I'm calling them Patty B Bud in honor of him.
damn bro sorry to here that keep your head up high


Active Member
We'll I've been working on my grow box the past few days, and today while working on it got the worst phone call ever... one of my best friends for over 5 years died last night. He hit a tree coming home from college. He was one of the coolest, down to earth, hippies I knew. Always down to burn, loved his hallucinogens, and LOVED EVERYONE he met. Sh!t hits you hard when it's someone close to you....

That being said, I've decided to dedicate this grow to him. Since none of my plants are actual named strains I'm calling them Patty B Bud in honor of him.
man i sorry....... shit hits when you least expect it......and when it hits, it hits hard..... sorry.


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your friend brother. Death is a very hard thing to deal with and really makes you appreciate your time here on earth. Life is very short. You have my condolences man.

For your plants man they look good but I am going to give you the simplest solution to your watering. Just buy filtered water. Water is the most important thing to your plant and if it's crappy water, you're gonna get a crappy plant. Yeah you can let water sit out for 24-48 hours and the ph will likely balance out, yeah you could probably boil out impurities, but all of this cannot substitute for just investing in a 24 pack of water for $2 and would last your current plants quite a while. You aren't growing 200 plants, you're growing like 2 or 3. It's okay to spend a couple bucks on water that you know is good to go.

Please do not use nutes. Do not even think about nutes right now. Your babies are sproutlings and the last thing they need is nutes especially if you are using a good soil base already. The only time you need to add nutes is when your plant is clearly showing signs of deficiency (like a month from now) otherwise you risk harming the plants growth more than improving it because its not developed yet.

I would definitely lower your light count. You are smacking hella CFL's over top 2 sprouts that are barely bigger than my pinky. Just put 1 bulb per sprout and keep it around 2 inches from the top. As it grows more and develops a stronger root structure, you can add more lights. Once the plant is established all the light you can get while avoiding heating issues is obviously best, but you are just getting started and it's easy to discourage a sproutling from coming into its own if you have too much light/heat on it.

Less is more right now. Remember that. When your plant is beasting out and growing anywhere from 2 to 6 inches a day then you can add more to encourage its growth even further. Right now though you are dealing with a baby and like our own babies we have to pamper them and give them sort of an easy environment to get their feet wet in before we throw them under a lot of lights and start watering with nutes.

I see a lot of grows all the time with the same iissues but more often than not they are overwatering, using nutes when they shouldn't, and / or trying to add too much light to a fresh sproutling because they feel it will encourage its growth but it actually doesn't (yet).

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Hupo, a lot of good stuff right there.

As for my lost friend, I just got back from a small party all of our close friends attended. Good times remembering him.

On to the plants,
I built a new grow box to help with my stealthy-ness of the grow, and got some CPU fans to install in them tomorrow and mount the light fixtures then they will be ready for there new homes. Should have A LOT of pics tomorrow


Well-Known Member
:blsmoke: Oh yeah, finally got my box together for the most part. Enough to be able to move the babies in. Only thing I need to add is an intake hole for into the box, and get some more lights for side coverage. Also need to get some type of blanket for more stealthiness. Gonna check the temps tonight and tomorrow to see how it helps. Here's some pictures.


Some construction pictures of the box, and a fatty we rolled for our lost friend.


Active Member
:blsmoke: Oh yeah, finally got my box together for the most part. Enough to be able to move the babies in. Only thing I need to add is an intake hole for into the box, and get some more lights for side coverage. Also need to get some type of blanket for more stealthiness. Gonna check the temps tonight and tomorrow to see how it helps. Here's some pictures.
Some construction pictures of the box, and a fatty we rolled for our lost friend.
Nice! How are your temps/humidity looking and how many lights do you have going currently? That is definitely a small box, but not a small blunt! Gotta love those ones that bust the seams.


Well-Known Member
Unsure on the humidity, but the temps have dropped since getting the fresh air duct put in. Dropped them a good 4-5 degrees into that sweet spot of 75-80 ish


Well-Known Member
Other than the new box working out just as a I was hoping it to, nothing really new to add today. Started the LST process on them, and I'll add some pictures of that once they start to grow some more.

Here in town we have an old washed up boat from hurricane Hugo, and people paint on it for birthdays, weddings, and lost friends... like ours. Here's some pictures of us painting it



Active Member
Other than the new box working out just as a I was hoping it to, nothing really new to add today. Started the LST process on them, and I'll add some pictures of that once they start to grow some more.

Here in town we have an old washed up boat from hurricane Hugo, and people paint on it for birthdays, weddings, and lost friends... like ours. Here's some pictures of us painting it
Very nice. I love stuff like this. Stuff like that is truly creative expression at its finest.


Well-Known Member
***Edit*** They are starting to smell too! Love waking up, or walking in my room to that smell. Odor control will come next though

Well my biggest plant is starting to get ill. Leaves still are curled and dry feeling and now there starting to brown and yellow on the tips.

Highest the temps get now are 80*F, and I've been watering with distilled water with no nutes yet. Any thoughts??IMAG0373.jpgIMAG0375.jpgIMAG0374.jpgIMAG0372.jpg


Active Member
there looking good... you might want to check the deficiency thread about your leaves, and getting the proper nutes


Well-Known Member
gahhh, I hope its not overwatering.... Just gave them a proper watering to try and help this problem. Guess I'll find out in the next few days

**Edit** Just read through the deficiencys, looks like I am lacking some nutes. Headed to the store in a bit to find some proper nutes.


Well-Known Member
Bored, decided to give everyone an update.

As I told I<3 in his thread, I did some eye-balling in my cab and decided to go ahead and change my timer to 12/12 and changed the lights to the 4 20 or 26w 27000k and I left 2 of the 26w 6500ks in there as well.
Also have been LSTing some the past few days, the bigger ones are starting to get there curve around the pot just as planned.
Last piece of good news, I believe the problem I was having was deficiency of nutes. In the last said watering, I gave them a 1/2 dose of nutes and so far they all seem to be responding well to the treatment.

It's night time now for them, so I will get yall some pictures tomorrow after work. Come payday on Friday I am going to buy an exhaust fan / make a carbon filter, as well as re-rig my fresh air intake with some proper ducting.


Well-Known Member
Well as promised....

Inside the cab- Quick shot of inside my cab with all my plants and the lights. Switched the cycle to 12/12 last Friday, the plants 3 week mark. Also changed the bulbs to 26w 2700ks, and left two of the 6500ks in there for good measures. Come Friday, and Payday, I will be getting an appropriate intake/ out-take fans to help control my temps that have been running a little high. As well as adding 2-3 more 2700k lights

Purp- This one is probably my best looking plant. Nothing to complain about it. Been LSTing this one and the "Danks" plant to try and help with the height issue. They're starting to get a nice curve around there pots.

The "Dank"- This one is still looking a little sick, can't seem to figure out whats wrong with it. Defiantly looks like a nute deficiency to me. Any thoughts?:confused:

My two random bagseeds, "The Babies"- Started these about a week/ week and half later than the other two. Not really expecting much from them. Tried a weird, but unique method of LSTing on the smaller one.



Well-Known Member
So my temps are defiantly too high with the new lights. The plants are hardly growing, but I'm ordering an intake fan this week and gonna get my ducting ran. Tomorrow I'm going to give them a flush as well to try and help with there stressful times.


Well-Known Member
Have to throw this in....

While making a new veg/ PC box just now I realized something... the 12v adapters I have for my fans aren't 12v output!!! So hopefully tomorrow when I pick them up, I will be getting better temps and air flow. Pics tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Crazy you commented on this today dude... I literally just got done taking some pictures to put up. Also got some pictures of some Blue Widow buds I got last week, I'm gonna post those in your thread.

Here's the pics of my Purp and the other bagseed that turned out to be female. I guess im about 3 weeks into flowering now. To be honest, I've just been watering them and not paying really any attention... just letting mother nature work. I know there small due to heat/ light leak stress and the random bagseed one has hermied on me so I'm sure the Purps is going to as well. Either way they're going to grow until the end. They're the first plants I've gotten to bud so I'm sticking with them.

Purps- My main baby, She has about a dozen bud sites with 4 "larger" shoots coming off the main stem. I've been LSTing the hell out of her to try and help with the height and to help with getting more light to the buds.
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Bagseed #2- She's turning out to be a pretty weak and shtty plant. Only about 7" tall with only the main cola budding. Just keeping her in there to see what happens.

