second set of leaves not serrated?

toyota kawasaki

Active Member
Hey everyone im a noob to growing and I had to take over some of my buddies plants all of a sudden due to extreme circumstances (jail). Anyway, hes not that great either and he had some random seeds in a big pot in his room which there was a 4 foot floro suspended over it by the drawers from 2 dressers.. anyway his father turned the lights off and I went back turned them on and water them and went back the next day and took them home with me and now I have them in a pot. The thing is one is them is larger and im not sure its marijuana.

The first set of leaves are as normal, and the second start as normal but then there is only one leave, and it again is round just like the first set just slightly larger. There are three more which are much smaller, one only has the two leaves and the others are just starting the second set so I am not worried.

My question is, did all the stress that they went through, weird light cycles being transplanted several times, mess up the second set of leaves? I know these plants will probably suck in the long run but I just want to surprise the guy come september. They are now outside in a pot until they grow larger and I find a suitable area.

Thanks for any help, and I'll see what I can do to get pics but I cant find my old digi cam and batteries are scarce around my house at the moment :o

And just so everyone knows, I would NEVER put a seedling through that much stress, but in this situation I had no other choice as I coudlnt exactly carry a 50lb pot down the street. I did what I had to do and the plants are looking healthy, im just worried about the leaf situation. Its like there is a second set of cotyledons growing :s
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Well-Known Member
Being so new in life, I'd say it's stund.Now if you take care of them all that has happend is more time added to the grow.I wouldnt worrie about how good it is or isnt, your jumping way ahead of yourself at this point.I'm 100%, if you take good care of her, she will return the faver.She might end up being teh best smoke of your life!
Does the plant that you don't know if it's MJ have a real thick stem and kinda hart shaped leaf sets?


Well-Known Member
wow that sounds harsh but if you love her then she will love you back just try to grow her!!

that sounds pretty bad but she will probably live
can we see some pics!

toyota kawasaki

Active Member
Okay so I managed to score some pictures, picture 002 is the larger one that I am not sure if its pot. To tell you the truth I have no idea if any of them are, they kinda look like what I know to be grass but at the same time they dont.

Right now I am kind of concerned that the sides of the pot are too high (about 10 cm) and that theyre not getting the best light possible, but I stuck white paper alone the edges of the inside to help boost reflectivity within the pot and it seems to be working. I also brought the pot inside becuase the 25km/h winds were tossin them around like nobodies business.

All things aside, they do seem to be growing, and im going to put as much into them as I can with what I have. I have a local spot I dirt jump at and the top soil there is amazing its all just layers and layers of dead/composted leaves and sticks, its a little forest pretty much. About a foot down I get into some clay, so I was thinking of collecting a couple bags of the rich dark top soil and combining it with some perlite and peat moss to create a good growing medium and I will transplant them to a secluded spot within this area when they are large enough.. I am also considering starting a compost heap out there (I dont live in a house), to help with future growing efforts.

Thanks for the encouraging words guys :)


toyota kawasaki

Active Member
Thats what I dont get, he stuck the seeds in the pot and those were the ONLY seedlings in the pot.. Its not a big deal to me at all really, I didnt pay for them after all, but if none of them really are marijuana then I have no idea what the hell my friend was doing
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toyota kawasaki

Active Member
But really in all seriousness this really has be confused beyond all believe.

Either the seeds he stuck in there never sprouted and somehow some other plants all began to grow at the same time, or.. well theyre weed, but they dont look it LOL

God damn impatient people..


Well-Known Member
definitely NOT marijuana. sucks to be you after all that trouble. I think your friend yanked your chain! ;)

toyota kawasaki

Active Member
thats the thing, he most definatly did not, and hes going to be mad when he finds out taht everything I 'rescued' wasnt even weed at all..

I guess its time to start aquiring things for an indoor grow, what would you guys say the max amount of plants I can grow is under 2, 2 foot floros? HPS isnt an option ($$), I just want to get some things growing now that I went to all this trouble to find out that theyre useless :(
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Well-Known Member
4 plants under 300watts of CFL's has been workin for me. I don't see why they couldn't do under a 4foot floro. Just get some small 6000k cfls too


Well-Known Member
God damn impatient people..
dude sry to burst you bubble but seriously, are we all lying to you?
if hps isnt an option, then growing shouldn't be something you should be considering. Flowing under cfl/floros is the most cruel, meanest thing you could do to mary jane. sham on you, balls up and spend $100 on an hps. Your buds will reward you, trust me.
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Active Member
haha funny thread. dude listen to advice, you said yourself your not an expert and have no idea. The people telling you that is DEFINATLY not Marj Jane are pretty much experts and that is what you should be listening to. Maybe your friend was growing tomatoes because he had predicted that food prices will increase? just a though :p

toyota kawasaki

Active Member
Burst my bubble? what bubble? LOL By the impatient comment I was referring to the fact that my friend randomly trhew $60 worth of seeds into random pot before getting everything right. And I am listneing to the advice, why would I go to all the trouble to sign up, post pics and everything if I wasnt gonna listen? All I was saying is the circumstances make absolutely no sense, not tat you guys were wrong.

WHy do you say flowering under cfl/floro is the meanest thing you can do

I hope theyre tomato :D