Second cfl grow. Grow Journal(first)


Active Member
Journal info
I currently have one female flowering but cant wait to start the next so i made a vegging area and have 4 new girls(hopefully) growing currently.

LIGHTS: 8 CFL'S 2 27 watt2700k, 5 27 watt5500 & 6500k and 1 13watt 4100k(just for extra light no more bigger bulbs)

MEDIUM: Fox Farm Happy Frog mixed with some perilite

NUTRIENTS: Fox farm Trio grow big tiger bloom and big bloom ( only on the 2week old plants)


PICTURES: First 3 is my biggest girl(2weeks kind of stunted due to horrible soil). The next one is of my other 2week old girl(also stunted a bit more i should say due to horrible soil). The next four are my youngest(2 day old). Growing amazingly the soil is amazing.

Anything im missing or anything you guys wanna know lemme know. All criticism welcome.

Heres some pics also a pic of my flowering girl lemme know what you guys think

