seals on a closed loop system


Well-Known Member
should the black gasket seals have anything applied to them when sealing up the system? right now im just using the gasket and the grease, silicon etc.....I dont believe I am supposed to use anything but figured I would ask as somewhat simple question here. thanks.


No, keep them as clean as possible though. Are they viton or buna-n gaskets? I use isopropanol to clean the viton gaskets but it does eat at it a bit. Check Cole-Parmer's chemical compatibility for compatibility with certain solvents.

Here's a link :

I guess a need 1 more like on a post before I can post a link...
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Well-Known Member
should the black gasket seals have anything applied to them when sealing up the system? right now im just using the gasket and the grease, silicon etc.....I dont believe I am supposed to use anything but figured I would ask as somewhat simple question here. thanks.
No lubricant required on sanitary seals. Lubricant is applied to O-rings that are subjected to wiping motion, versus simple compression.

I use Viton because it also stands up to the denatured alcohol I use to clean them.