Scarholes outdoor 2010 video jounal


Well-Known Member
WTF is up with all the tornados yesterday?
Oh well im on a mission from god, am mama nature is on my side this year

Wooo hoo I fianaly found some thingto scare off rodents, the garden section was about usless here.
But the hunting section was better! I bought some sent block for deer hunters made with Fox urine.
Its local an cheep.
Ill be squirting it in baggies with some cotton in it an punching a few holes in it to time relase it.

Put another baby out but havent got the footage to utube yet.

I know my car has like 23 dents from some big ass hail. Looking 4ward to the next vid though!


Well-Known Member
Ok, just got the footage up of my last transplant. It hid realy good!
I think my cages will keep rodents out, But what will attack next?

Will i cry if they are eaten???
stay tuned an see.............


Well-Known Member
New vid is up....
One of my girls i put out last week was eaten by deer.
The root cages did stop somthing from trying to dig under my cage (woo hoo they worked), but a deer came jamed it big head in my cage an got her.

Ill be adding chicken wire to the top of my cage to stop the fuckn deer an im going to get some deer repelant spray.

Heres the video


Well-Known Member
I want to kill em so bad!!!! Im a hell of a shot an I want revenge. I got redneck freinds who want to shoot em for me ,they are hidden enough my friends wouldnt find em an they dont smoke bud, maybe i should showem the spot?

No dept of wild life around here, farmers hate em, all of em shoot em so if they hear a shot its not uncomon here. But I could be risky. IdK?

I planted 2 more out door today. AK48 clones (out of mexis, but i got 20 + clones geting ready just incase this type of thing happened, lol), put roof cages up on em all to stop deer, bought some organic deer/rabbit spray ill try also.

Im trying to be nice, but i may start poisoning, and Having multiple people driving by an shooting all rabbits an deer on sight.

Ill get footage out tomarow.


Well-Known Member
Heres a vid from spot #1 of me planting a AK48 clone, near my ducksfoot Mexi girl.


Well-Known Member
And heres a couple of ak48 clones going outdoors in spot #2 (the deer spot).

im back up to 4 outside
Ill check on em next week..........
hey buddy,
thanks for the comment. useful.
Note that i use crystals compared to the gel. which is basically the same thing except solid. i recently tested some on a few tomato plants and results showed significant larger leaf areas root mass height and internode length among the trreatment group
im also very curious about your indoor grow box. Im several weeks behind with my plants (6 small sprouts out of 50 seeds) because of late frost dates and i had difficulty germinating before a week ago. none the less... im following the same grow pattern as yourself and i admire your experience.
I would like to clone tops from my outdoor mothers so i can tamper with the type of lighting, play with some auxins and prolong the flowering stage of some of my better herb.
for this i will need a nifty small box like yours... could you help by advising me on building one this summer to have ready in the fall


Well-Known Member
Sup man,
I would take the clones when they reach about the 7-8th node so that the mother will grow with 4 tops (see uncle bens topping) an your clone will be nearly as big as the mama. Then keep take other clones off the mama an 1st born for a 2nd an 3rd wave asap( befor early july). Its getting late for big ass plants now so now focus on numbers before the summer solstice.

Read the ingredance of the cystals to see if they contain poyacrilimeds, if it does its not i heard it will make the bud taste bad. But it does work, but often if competes with the plants roots for water, an isnt releasing like the starch ZEBA gel test say they do. Ive never used the poly stuff, an cant tell you if its all the bad stuff i read is true.

My grow box is cheep but effective. Its only for vegin indoor for outside an growing autos cause of its 2x2x3 am mirrored on all sides. Made from 5/8 plywood with house door hinges for the front all seams seald with caulking incase i need to flower in it. The door area is seal with house hold adhesive window insulating foam tape. The door Is pushed firmly aginst the foam an pined shut with nails for a seal. I got 2 carbon filters ready ,a bucket style an one infront of my cpu exhaust fan, but havent needed any with the ONA odor gel in there.

Its not indoor its under my house so my wife dont find out, lol. I grew in 10 degree temps this feb by having no vents running it 24/7 an enought clfs to keep the temps ok (about 150 wats of cfl mainly med white,25 watts red, 28 watts blue). As i t warmed up i added a vent an a 600cfm cpu fan to keep the temps cool.

The main thing with a small box is watch your temps an when you make changes like adding bulb or a vent, check it every couple of hrs to it wont get to hot or to cold. Small boxes are realy touchy. Cfls are awsome, i love em for veging-cheep to run an if you keep the bulbs realy close (1-2 inch) early on it keeps the nodes so tight an they grow good, but they dont make the buds like the sun or a 600 watt hps.

Hope this helps you, any more questions just ask.

good luck grower
brand named "soil moist" a lot like the watersorb mixtures and contains polyacrylamides that take 5-7 years to break down... not leaving the bad taste in the plants. Thanks for having me check though.. seems to be a big difference between the two types of crystals.
we dont have droughts much here in the Appalachians so ill be using them primarily for their effect on growth rate.

for my cloning ill be using "take root" growth hormone and leaving the cuttings in water for 7 days as a medium.
btw, this is my second grow, first time cloning and using advanced methods. im also new to a horticulture undergraduate so i understand the subject matter.

look forward to hearing more of your opinions this summer.


Well-Known Member
I have a question, where did u get a 600cfm cpu fan?
I believe it was 600, it was just the biggest at the computer store

I want to make a fan from the new febreze air filters, they got a squirl cage style fan that moves alot more air.


Well-Known Member
Dam I just went to check on my plants , an i lost 3 of the 4.
No sign of forced entery into cages, must be mice?

I need to redsign my cages to keep mice out, Hmmmmm
Its getting discouraging. Ill keep trying, dreams of big plants die hard.

I am flowering my Little AK48 an NL mamas indoor for obvious reason, But the 20 ish clones will be used in experiments in these spots an cornfields.

The corn is growing good here. They will spray em for weeds about when the 8th leaf arives (about 2 ft tall mid june early july?) . The corn here is round up ready an its deadly to pot. So ill veg the clones tell then an trans plant some of em outdoors.



Well-Known Member
I feel the anger is changing me.
Hate is all i got to keep me going.
I spent the last 4 hrs killing small animals..........


Well-Known Member
Have i become a danger to my babys?
What a crushing wieght the world has become.
Check this shit out.........

Blue Velvet, staring dennis hopper.


Well-Known Member
I've responded on my thread.

I enjoyed "Spartacus: Blood and Sand".

The best part?

"Kill Them All!"

It has been many years since a rabbit or mouse got in my garden.

Our cats pretty much keep them away.

Squirrels and rats can climb most fencing wire.

The grass land you're in would be ideal for the ideas I mentioned.

You can camouflage the various meshes fairly easy.

Remember the traps!

Fucking deer!