Scales...What kind do you use?

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
I'm curious to know what folks here are using to weigh their harvests? I have an old triple beam, but need something more portable. BTW, the old one has always worked great!!
I did a search, but couldn't find any threads on scales.


Well-Known Member
Go in a head shop and look at them! You'll want a scale that can do 1/10 grams unless you're selling meth too then 1/100!

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
I did see those and they looked very good. Thanks!
TheMan13 and Vilify. Supchaka..don't usually go into headshops. Have a glassblower friend in CO who does custom pipes for me :)


Active Member
Not sure about the "whole sale" part. All their scales have a 30 year warranty though and that's good enough for me :clap: