save my plant! i over fert.

This plant used to be beautiful, super cropped and topped to 12 cola sites... I over fert'd and now all the leaves are severely wilted. Some are turning a shade of brown but the plant remains a dark green... Leaves are limp, but not crispy! There is new growth from supercropping that is not really looking too bad. I flushed after reading a few posts and knowing exactly what I did was just feed it. I wanna know can I save my girl?


Well-Known Member
you will have to just wait and see if the leaves die they die but you should be fine as long as the new growth is decent like you said.


Well-Known Member
youve done all you can do, the plant will survive for sure and eventually get back to going good again, your gonna have to be patient though. How old is the plant?


You can always save your girl... if she has a sturdy healthy stalk and her roots are good... she'll be ok... just don't freak out and do too much to her... if you flushed just make sure your soil isn't too wet...give it some breathing holes right down to the bottom. I don't care what anyone says, it helps with air circulation, you could have a beautiful plant and boom something goes wrong with her roots and it's a wrap. Just make sure next time you don't fert. I would water it the next couple times.... she'll be ok. New growth is always a sign of life, I have a plant that is very injured and she has new growth everywhere and people see her and say damn... LOL... I'm like she'll be ok! Good thing to do also is if you have large plants make sure roots aren't blocking your drain holes, use something to unblock them to make sure your soil is draining properly or you could get root rot and other nasty things in the root system. Good luck....