sativa question???

mr. mad max

Active Member
my plant has been flowering for 11 weeks now i heard from a friend that when the plant is ready 50% of the hairs turn red (which they are) and the majority of the leaves die (which they look not to be doing so good) my question is, is this true for a sativa or am i better to just let them flower for the full 15-16 weeks i was not able to upload my pics but from your experience what do you think of this


bud bootlegger
yah, id look at the trics and see what they look like more then fifty percent cloudy and its getting ready..

mr. mad max

Active Member
yeah they are all getting pretty cloudy from what i can tell but i really burnt the tops of the plants since i only had a 150 watt hps do you think it would hurt the plant if i was to cut that part off or will it smoke good even if it is burnt?


dont cut it off just move it away from the light and let the rest of the plant continue to ripen. if you take it early youll never know her full potential.


Active Member
hairs dont really mean that much to tell when they are dont.... gotta look at the trics to actually tell... get a 60x 100x magnifyier and youll beable to tell much easier


Well-Known Member
Let the trichs go as amber as you want, cos its a sativa your going to get a primarily "head buzz" regardless of how amber/cloudy it is, so your better off letting it grow to within an inch of its life!