Sativa or Indica?


Ursus marijanus
It'll be a Deadica if you continue nute-burning it like that.
Otherwise ... looks like a roughly 1:1 hybrid, although it's rather early to call quite yet. cn

full of purple

Well-Known Member
Give it plain bottle water every 2 or 3 days no plant food at all its burning it from to much.
Also how old is it? Bout 4 weeks?


Active Member
Give it plain bottle water every 2 or 3 days no plant food at all its burning it from to much.
Also how old is it? Bout 4 weeks?

its about 4 weeks old yes, and i havnt been giving it any plant food. The plant got burnt because i put transplant nuts on it and it was to strong


Well-Known Member
Sativa or Indica ...

hmmmm... I would say burnd and off center ...

Edit: this is my 4 week (to the day) old plant (look a bit dropy .. as I just repot and clip the strains from my LSTing)


that is a Voilator Kush (indica)... wide leaves .. stavia have thin leaves .. is normal high plants wher Indica is low .. with tight nods and hugh leaves ..
a lot are a mix of boath .. mine I belive is allmost 100% Indica ..

Indican have a short live specialy flowering compaird to stavia 7-10 weeks .. wher stavia mostly are +10 weeks .. 12-14 maybe ..

I like Indicas for inside .. shot size fit artificial light .. and short flowering fit me ..


Well-Known Member
I understand it is burnt.. it is healing now but what does off center mean and how can i fix it?

off center means .. off center .. at the side of the pot .. I mean .. wher you drunk or totaly stoned ? .. well no biggy .. fix it when you repot ..


Well-Known Member

also notice .. your soil is dry .. at the edges .. water it more .. when you water .. I mean .. let it dry out between watering .. to much is not sumthing weed like .. but when you water .. more or less soake the soil . need to see some runn off ..


Active Member

also notice .. your soil is dry .. at the edges .. water it more .. when you water .. I mean .. let it dry out between watering .. to much is not sumthing weed like .. but when you water .. more or less soake the soil . need to see some runn off ..
Okay thanks, but the stem is in the middle of the pot.. the plant just doesnt stand up.. its like long a week so ite falls over, how can i fix this? im very new to growing


Active Member
could you start over?
buy some pot and search for seeds, new start would be much better than growing this.
think about it, it could be male(and on shitty male) and you wasted over 1month for it....


Well-Known Member
It looks more of an Indica to my eyes.
Like the people before said, too many nutes. It's burning it, try transplanting into new soil if its the soil that's holding the ferts, if it's liquid, stop feeding it that many nutes.
Hope your plant recovers, happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Definitely looks nute burned, i agree you should transplant if the soil contains any ferts into something that has no ferts in it. And also if its falling over the stem must be weeaak! add a fan blowing directly onto her, get her dancing abit, that should solve that problem :)


Well-Known Member
yea right now, the question sativa or indica is kinda a rediculous question. most strains are hybrids. 50/50, or 75/25 or some other mix, but a pure indica or pure sativa... do they even still exist really? we´ve bred plants so much, and inbred them so much that seeing a pure strain isnt likely.

otherwise, you need to water a LOT more when you do water. water until you get about 1/4th of the pot size in run off. every part of the soil should be watered, not just the top center, but the edges of the soil where they meet the pot.