Sativa for 1st grow (scrog)? Should I?


Active Member
I'm gonna have to go SCROG and CFLs (but lots of em) because I am working with a short height (a little under 3'). I really want some sativa, which is the main reason why i am gonna start growing (cant find any around here). Is it unreasonable to expect a successful harvest working with sativa under such jacked up conditions?


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna have to go SCROG and CFLs (but lots of em) because I am working with a short height (a little under 3'). I really want some sativa, which is the main reason why i am gonna start growing (cant find any around here). Is it unreasonable to expect a successful harvest working with sativa under such jacked up condition?
nope, should work OK, personally I prefer to do a SOG with clones, I think that takes longer to establish if your starting from seed though.


Active Member
nope, should work OK, personally I prefer to do a SOG with clones, I think that takes longer to establish if your starting from seed though.
I'm thinking about doing clones, but that will be fairly time consuming for me, because I dont have seperate veg/flower rooms, its a very small space and its all i got.

I guess I could grow a few small plants and then flower them, pick a female and clone it, but that seems like a helluva lot of work all in the same room.


Active Member
yeah, clones don't sound practical for your setup.
which means I am basically stuck buying expensive ass seeds all the time right? (sadface)

is there anyway I can take some clones off of the mature plants right before harvest for the next batch?


Well-Known Member
which means I am basically stuck buying expensive ass seeds all the time right? (sadface)

is there anyway I can take some clones off of the mature plants right before harvest for the next batch?
sure, but it's not ideal. You might find shoots down below the screen that aren't getting much light and haven't hardened off. Woody old growth is nearly impossible to get to root. Sativas root easier than Indicas BTW.


Well-Known Member
sure, but it's not ideal. You might find shoots down below the screen that aren't getting much light and haven't hardened off. Woody old growth is nearly impossible to get to root. Sativas root easier than Indicas BTW.

I've read if you scrape some of the skin of the stem it gets much easier for woody cuttings to start roots

is this right?


Active Member

anybody else got opinions on if my amateur setup will or will not work for a sativa?

any suggestions for a good small growing sativa that might survive my newbish attempts?


Well-Known Member
sativa generally is harder do grow, and takes more time

don't waste time wth FCLs, especially for scrog, get an HPS light, it is more efficient, with a 250W HPS you will get better result than with 400W of CFL lights

you will also need a cool tube type of reflector, cuz you are kind of limited in height and without a cooled reflector there is a chance the for the light to burn your plants

other possibility is making a T5 setup, you will still get more light per watt compared to CFLs, but nothing beats the HPS, if you want serious buds you simply need HPS

my suggestion is to make 1 or 2 mother plants and a cloner (you'll need another growing space for the mothers), you have to put clones in flower as soon as they make some roots, you can start preparing the clones a weak before harvest so you can immediately put new clones in flower as soon as your first crop is ready