Sand Blasting and Stamping


Well-Known Member
Spoons are like watches and wallets to me...I have such a hard time picking them out when it comes time.

But I have an idea of what I want, I just need a little direction. I'm looking for a glass blower that does sand blasting and stamping. Haven't settled on colors, but I do want dark colors though, maybe black as the base color and then greys/silvers as well, etc), but as far as design I'm looking for a sand blasted pipe with a cross stamped into it, and maybe a little other art work in it to possibly accentuate the cross in the design. No less than 4'', no more than 5''.

Anyone here know of a reputable glass blower that can do this? Im looking for very high quality workmanship, so beginners and hacks need not apply.

Here is a pick of roughly the shape I want out of the spoon, just need the artwork in place.

This is not stamped but the sandblasting created the image, so something like this could even work for me, but I want the ENTIRE piece sand blasted (maybe not inside the bowl), not just a section like shown.

More sandblasting with some art work

This one I love the look/shape/everything other than color and pattern, I don't think it's stamped though looks more rustic in the artwork. Awesome piece though. This is by Zara, and I love the look of their pieces.


The 3rd one by Zara is my favorite style, maybe a little darker earth tones than that but nonetheless its what Im hunting for, again possibly black/greys. Any help is appreciated.