Salvia, Is it....?


I heard Salvia is not only the safest trip but also smoked like weed and only takes 1 hit. It doesn't cause lung dmg as far as people know and can be grown right outside with no special equipment. Also heard it was "the strongest hallucinogen known to man." What's true and what's false? bongsmilie


I dunno I've read some the effects and it sounds crazy as hell.

  • Uncontrollable laughter
  • Past memories, such as revisiting places from childhood memory
  • Sensations of motion, or being pulled or twisted by forces
  • Visions of membranes, films and various two-dimensional surfaces
  • Merging with or becoming objects(WTF?)
  • Overlapping realities, such as the perception of being in several locations at once


Well-Known Member
safest?? in what sense?? i think its a lot more intense, you can use it now and then but its not a regular imo


Active Member
Yeah took it once weird as fuck nothing like taking acid not something you would do regularly,I think it comes in different strengths try get samples in headshops before you go growing it :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
yep, i had one plant in my room, no lighting no nothing. it can be an indoor plant with little lighting necessary.

the strengths vary really with regards to the type of extract they make...


Well-Known Member
I do salvia once in a while. It's quite the experience, I love it. In a lot of ways it's like DMT, just uh..for lack of a better way to put it, less 'busy.'

People who've done both would know what I mean! *pouts*