Salvia 10x was no joke for me!

my very first experience with salvia was absolutely crazy, to say the least.

this was in the spring of '07. up to that point i had only smoked weed, so it was safe to say i hadn't endured a true psychedelic experience.

i met this guy at work who brought in roughly 20 grams of 10x extract salvia. it was dried and ground up. the label on the bag showed it was from the netherlands. he said it was around 3 years old, so he couldn't guarantee the potency.

this guy said the craziest thing he had done was acid until he tried salvia. he gave salvia the top notch as far as wildest trip. he didn't enjoy his experience so he wasn't exactly speaking highly of it. i was so intrigued and his fear only made me want to try it even more, oddly.

later that night, i fill a bowl up with the salvia (it's filled to the top but not packed tight), taking the biggest hit i've ever taken of anything. i killed the whole bowl of salvia in one hit! in addition, i held the smoke in for quite a few seconds, and when i exhaled...

BAM! it was like someone snapped their finger and i was sucked into another dimension. i was in my house, which began to distort and morph out of existence all around me. i felt that i was no bigger than a speck of dust, or a grain of sand, as the universe engulfed me into this whirlwind of...everything. it produced a humbling, empty feeling throughout me. i was scared and my ego was definitely being shattered.

all while this was going on, my girlfriend said i got up and started walking around aimlessly with this little boy stare on my face, with droll coming out my mouth. i then lost balance and crashed into some window blinds.

as i started to slowly re-gain consciousness, i was struggling to remember who this female sitting in front of me was. it was my girlfriend. i had completely lost my "role" in this existence. i gazed at the unfamiliar living room around me with its furniture looking like the set of a tv show - just completely fake. it all came back to me, slowly.

i was scared that i wouldn't ever re-gain my sense of humor, but by the next day or 2, all was well. i was quite a bit scarred and humbled...

*this is a bag of 10x at least 3 years old, guys


Active Member
dam i want some 20 or 30 x that shit sounds like fire!!! idk if i should start with 10 but that sounds cool


I took a big fucking bowl of that shit one afternoon, i was playing a popular online roleplaying game (fag) and yea man thats some crazy ride. I tripped i was inside my avatar casting spells and stuff. Unpleasent overall though.
my girl tried it. during her first trip, she absolutely loved it! she was laughing hysterically at who knows what, while proclaiming, "this is my new favorite thing!".

her second trip was not as fun. she felt a female presence (a common theme among many salvia users) laughing at her, making her feel foolish, ashamed, and guilty for taking salvia. she said the woman basically told her to stop messing with salvia, and to tell her friends, also. no doubt, she was humbled.


Well-Known Member
my girl tried it. during her first trip, she absolutely loved it! she was laughing hysterically at who knows what, while proclaiming, "this is my new favorite thing!".

her second trip was not as fun. she felt a female presence (a common theme among many salvia users) laughing at her, making her feel foolish, ashamed, and guilty for taking salvia. she said the woman basically told her to stop messing with salvia, and to tell her friends, also. no doubt, she was humbled.
i got this exact same thing only a the woman said i wasnt doing it properly :S


Well-Known Member
i've heard terrifying and wonderful things with salvia... still scared shitless by it though... might buy some, if i get the balls...


Active Member
Just had some more salvia almost finished my gram of 10x, today no brian electicity buzz like first times i did it. was nice and mellow tho for some reason i thought i was i think drowning so started swalling ton of saliva or just swalling i cant recall lol. nice and mellow tho.


Active Member
i got some 30x and that shit is strong! i ripped two bowls in a row off my 3footer and i was tripping so hard i was watching Super high me and i was talking to the fucking movie and having a conversation with the people in the movie for half an hour and they were talking back to me! but when i came down i was so super hot, felt like i had a fever.


Well-Known Member
iM go0d on salvia.,.,that lady shit got me .,.,.,the same duppy telling everyone the same shit.,that means no.,.,.,but i will research furhter.,.,


Well-Known Member
Hope you realised in the time since then, that compared to the universe you are just a spec of dust.


Well-Known Member
Punky Brewster right at your doorstep ah??????????????

Orange Red Head eight yr old with friviously freckles surrounding your periphereal vision would scara ya right... lols ;)