Safe organic?

VooDoo Haze

Active Member
Hey out there I was wondering if anyone out there has ever used Calcium Hydroxide as a ph adjuster in an organic nutrient mix (earth juice grow bloom and micro and a dash of espoma w/ micoriaze and benificial bacteria) . Im bumbling a 5 gal bucket at a time and im very concerned about the micro life would such a harsh base kill off my micro life? thanks so much for any advice you have :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Lime is a very good way to raise pH in addition to adding calcium and shouldn't prevent a grow from being considered "organic" imo. If you're using alot of it, you might consider changing or adding new fertilizers. Many ferts are very alkaline and will replace any lime you were using. Palm Ash 0-0-30, for example, is pH 12 if I remember correctly. Many Guanos are a bit alkaline as well, including the 3-10-1 stuff we're using right now. Alot of our recent fertilizer purchases have been on the basic side for some reason. We actually need to get something acidic.

VooDoo Haze

Active Member
Great My mix is bubbling to about 5.3-5.4 and I just need a smidge of base to it to get it around 5.7ish. I might stick with the earth juice for a while seeing as i have alot of it and the nearest hydro store is 150 + miles away thanks alot for the quick rely man kinda chomping at the bit tryin to get all this figured out


Well-Known Member
I would guess you're adding a bit of Catalyst or molasses to the bubble mix, yes?

Keep bubbling it for another day or so and the pH will come right on up. Usually takes me ~3 days for the pH to get up in the mid 6's.


VooDoo Haze

Active Member
I was seeing alot of yellowing this morning just to be sure I flushed my coco but when i sat them in the sink I noticed a HORRID sulfur smell coming from the inch of water standing in my hempy any ideas what this may be? anyone? Its not my water it smells fine