safe light?

alphabibbiddy boo boo

Well-Known Member
If i wanted to mess aroung in the grow room during the dark cycle, what kind of light should i use? I was thinking a low wattage incandescent bulb maybe tinted green... just whatever has the least PAR right? does anybody else do this? thanks


Well-Known Member
Since I have a closet grow there's a small amount of light leak, from the tv, and/or incandescent bulb... during the dark cycle of flowering should i have a green bulb on a timer so that it comes on during the dark cycle to drown out the light leak? i'm thinking of other ways to eliminate light leak
No, you don't wanna timer turning as light on to try and trick the plant.
Why can't you eliminate the leak? I mean, a piece of cardboard and a staple gun, or there must be commercial products out there, like for weather-izing? Slatted door? Again, cardboard w/tape or staple?

Obviously folks need to tend to their bud-u-phorium biz (flower room) during business hours whenever possible.