Sadhu and Bag seed grow. Mybe Hymaphrodites


Active Member
Ok so my grow is 17 days into flowering, this is my second grow, my first went well but only had one female plant. This time i was excited as all my plants came out with the female hairs, however the 2 bag seed plants now have small looking balls hanging off them, i think they my be humaphrodites, is there anyway i can just cut the balls of and grow them like noraml females, or should i remove them both from the grow space and just leave the only female. will upload some photos later. Thanks Sadhu Man


Well-Known Member
no just get rid of um if you dont wana make seeds,,,ppl have tried cutting the balls off before but normally always miss some coz they can grow deep inside the bud so there very difficult to see.peace


Active Member
cheers well im thinking of just giving one plant to a mate and then throughing the other out....will just see in a cupple of months if it grows any bud at all


Active Member
At the moment all the pistals on all my plants are coming out of the actual flower bit and not down where the shoots join the stalk should i be worryed or not?