sad, droopy, and some spotting


Active Member
So I had to let plant heath take a minor backseat while i dailed in my growroom for a while but I want to start flowering soon and want to take care of this first hopefully. It's been kinda droopy for a while and even more so today, i figured it was a watering issues but I've played with watering it more and less and havent seen much imporvement with eather. Now especially with the spotted leaves im assuming its some kind of Nutrient deficiency, this is my first grow so looking for any advice/criticism/comments. Pics attached

edit, i also noticed some purple in some stems, I dont think its from streatching so that could be another sign of nute deficiency I assume.



Active Member
very possible, temps go up to 90 at some points of the day although i can keep it closer to 80 when roomies arent home opening the doors putting my oscillating fan outside the growbox. I've been trying to deal with heat issues since the getgo, I'm thinking of chopping the top off my box to help with circulation and try to figure out a way to stop light from creeping out of my closet. I have 2 cpu fans, had 1 exhaust/1intake but right now im trying with both as exhausts. More info and a pic from a few days ago here:


Well-Known Member
i would definitely guess temperature too. set both those to exhaust , preferably from the top of the room.