S & P backlash

jeff f

New Member
the whole downgrade thing, in my mind has been a joke. this downgrade is well deserved and overdue. our numbers just dont add up and the world is starting to figure it out.

but that being said, watch closely in the coming months to what happens to the folks in charge of S&P. listening to some of the jerkoffs from the govt, they are really pissed at these guys.

i think you will see the full force of big brother unleashed on these guys. irs, senate investigations, pr smear campaigns etc.

have to pull this op out in six months for a time capsule moment.

your thoughts either way welcome......except UB. that fuck likes turtles! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Of course it's a joke. Didn't you get the memo? This administration said that there's a 2 trillion dollar miscalculation. It's inconceivable that this administration would lie to us, yes? Everyone knows that it's only those devious Reps that do the lying and obfuscating, right?


Well-Known Member
When you always pay your debts on time, you deserve the best rating as possible.

The S&P came to the conclusion after witnessing the debt deal that the Tea Party is going to make it impossible for the US to do the responsible thing and eliminate the Tax Cuts that were given based on a projected surplus that never materialized. The S&P was pretty damn clear about this fact in their statement.

The deal itself pushed us over S&P's edge. John Boenher got 98% of what he wanted in that deal. The President, Democrats and the S&P still state that revenue needs to be part of the recovery and until it is, the downgrade remains. Pretty clear what the obstacle is here. Unless you're blind by hatred that is.

It's Up To You.

jeff f

New Member
When you always pay your debts on time, you deserve the best rating as possible.

The S&P came to the conclusion after witnessing the debt deal that the Tea Party is going to make it impossible for the US to do the responsible thing and eliminate the Tax Cuts that were given based on a projected surplus that never materialized. The S&P was pretty damn clear about this fact in their statement.

The deal itself pushed us over S&P's edge. John Boenher got 98% of what he wanted in that deal. The President, Democrats and the S&P still state that revenue needs to be part of the recovery and until it is, the downgrade remains. Pretty clear what the obstacle is here. Unless you're blind by hatred that is.

It's Up To You.
your first sentence reveals that you have no idea to what a credit rating is. you should probably use "free credit check.com".

if your income exceeds your ability to pay, your credit score goes down. you dont have to miss a single payment. trust me.

jeff f

New Member
When you always pay your debts on time, you deserve the best rating as possible.

The S&P came to the conclusion after witnessing the debt deal that the Tea Party is going to make it impossible for the US to do the responsible thing and eliminate the Tax Cuts that were given based on a projected surplus that never materialized. The S&P was pretty damn clear about this fact in their statement.

The deal itself pushed us over S&P's edge. John Boenher got 98% of what he wanted in that deal. The President, Democrats and the S&P still state that revenue needs to be part of the recovery and until it is, the downgrade remains. Pretty clear what the obstacle is here. Unless you're blind by hatred that is.

It's Up To You.
oh, and the rest of your post reveals that you have all the talking points memorized. good job


Well-Known Member
What talking points? I'm just an honest witness that knows how to read a graph.

I can show you if you want.

jeff f

New Member
S&P has no credibility.
does that include the other raters too? cuz word on the street is they will be downgrading us soon.

and i wouldnt have expected any other answer from you mame.

so you think the govt should go after them guys?


Well-Known Member
Lets see, they set an arbitrary date that we have to have a fix by, we actually do the right thing in not allowing another jump in total debt and they downgrade us? but they wouldnt have if we got another line of credit? what? funny how now the stock market has dropped to the floor meaning that everyone that saw this coming, had a chance to sell high and buy now, hmmmm I wonder if this is a planned downgrade to allow certain parties to eat up even more of our economy


Well-Known Member
does that include the other raters too? cuz word on the street is they will be downgrading us soon.

and i wouldnt have expected any other answer from you mame.

so you think the govt should go after them guys?
The government doesn't need to, seems late night comedy already has; If you haven't seen it already Stewart and Colbert had some pretty good material on them last night.

jeff f

New Member
The government doesn't need to, seems late night comedy already has; If you haven't seen it already Stewart and Colbert had some pretty good material on them last night.
no, didnt see it. these guys will be castrated by the left. then when the shit dies down the other agencies will down grade us and nobody will bat an eye because s&p took the heat.


Well-Known Member
IDK why you think S&P knows so much? I mean, one example off the top of my head... S&P gave Lehman an "A" rating a month before it collapsed.. But you're willing to take their side despite their obvious lack of credibility? It looks like you've fallen for partisan kool-aid to me, you'd love to put this whole debacle on the Obama administration wouldn't you?


Well-Known Member
IDK why you think S&P knows so much? I mean, one example off the top of my head... S&P gave Lehman an "A" rating a month before it collapsed.. But you're willing to take their side despite their obvious lack of credibility? It looks like you've fallen for partisan kool-aid to me, you'd love to put this whole debacle on the Obama administration wouldn't you?
Moody's and Fitch are in the exact same boat as S&P, they lied about the ratings they gave too. You gonna trust NONE of them now? Name one major bond rater who you believe is squeaky clean, Bet you can't do it. Either they ALL lack credibility or None do, its your choice.


Well-Known Member
Moody's and Fitch are in the exact same boat as S&P, they lied about the ratings they gave too. You gonna trust NONE of them now? Name one major bond rater who you believe is squeaky clean, Bet you can't do it. Either they ALL lack credibility or None do, its your choice.
That's a fair point, but looking back to when Japan was downgraded and how wrong all of the agencies were then - locking in my final answer: Fuck the credit agencies.
Colbert and Stewart are Comedians, Yes?
Yes, hilarious comedians (well, colbert is better IMO)

edit: I'm not really taking this thread, or Jeff, very seriously ATM; Hence why I cited comedians (although their anti S&P skits last night were about as true as they were funny TBH)


Well-Known Member
Well, the lack of credibility of the credit agencies didn't stop the Democrats and the liberal lemmings on here from using the threat of those very same credit agencies as a strongarm tool to force the raise of the debt ceiling. How short do you think our memories are exactly? Buck likes exposing hypocrisy from years past, how about we shine a little light on our progressive friends on here from just the last 60 days.


Well-Known Member
Well, the lack of credibility of the credit agencies didn't stop the Democrats and the liberal lemmings on here from using the threat of those very same credit agencies as a strongarm tool to force the raise of the debt ceiling. How short do you think our memories are exactly? Buck likes exposing hypocrisy from years past, how about we shine a little light on our progressive friends on here from just the last 60 days.
No matter what the credit agencies did, failure to raise the debt limit would've been an economic disaster.

jeff f

New Member
No matter what the credit agencies did, failure to raise the debt limit would've been an economic disaster.
so you are saying we are not headed for an economic disaster now? i think that ship may have already sailed mame.