?s for the masters of growing


Active Member
So i have decided to try my first grow and see how things come out to decied if i would do it again. I dont expect anything out of it i would like for it to grow and live but if not it is fine it is the first grow. is what im wondering is i dont quite have the money to go and buy 300$ bulbs and the c02 what would be the the cheapest route to growing a plant and what would be needed to make it work best as possilble? i have about a 50$ budget and i am going to order the seeds online i already have a fan and the pots and soil aswell is there anything i can do to achive a growing plant that will live and do well?


Active Member
Which can be purchased where? and would that help the sucess of the plant and make the odds of growing better?


Well-Known Member
cfl's you made no mention of any light. plants need light. Pot plants need a lot of light! 75w per plant is nice, but at least 50w per. co cfl's is the best on a budget. as close as possible to the plant without burning it. about 8". fan blowing across the leaves GET A TIMER! for your lights. keep your lights on 24 hrs. or 18on/6off for vegging period.


Active Member
Ok and is there a websight you recemend or a type of weed for a starter? i was looking at trying ak-47 or white widow but have hurd they are a little tuffer to grow then a normal plant is that true? and what kind of soil is recomended?


Active Member
What about the seeds? and where would you recomend because i dont wanna get reg from the friends and pull some seeds out i wanna get some real seeds and if i have to order them i will