russia attacks georgia, is the usa to follow soon??


Well-Known Member
I refuse to watch any of that crap off youtube. Theres no aliens coming to destroy us, no ww3 because of what is happening in georgia, and there sure as fuck is no 2012 end of the world.


Well-Known Member
We have enough shit on our table not to be worried about some country called Georgia... it is their problem, let them handle it. Who's side would we take? If we take Georgia's side then that will be a good precursor to WWIII... US and Russia at it again. Nope, I won't stand for it and I don't think many other Americans would either.


Well-Known Member
Yep, they gained independence from Russia in '91. It's beautiful I admit, and very cheap to live there...



Well-Known Member
We have enough shit on our table not to be worried about some country called Georgia... it is their problem, let them handle it. Who's side would we take? If we take Georgia's side then that will be a good precursor to WWIII... US and Russia at it again. Nope, I won't stand for it and I don't think many other Americans would either.
when did the american goverment ever care if it was thier bussiness.
just saying


Well-Known Member
america is now saying to russia , you gotta stop this shit yo...

looks like america is on its way eventualy...

mother russia is trying to rise again ,and most likely with the other commies, the chinease

i hope we dont join in. but sign show that may be inevitable


Well-Known Member
Yeah with the announcement from Poland it seems as though we're getting ready for if Russia tries anything... I certainly hope they don't.

Orchid Man

Well-Known Member
I'm all for helping out other countries... But shit pay us... No need for us to spend our money to help some motherfuckers that wouldnt help us...


Well-Known Member
Georgia blames Russia for attacking South Ossetia.
Russia blames Georgia for attacking South Ossetia.
Russia tells US to choose sides.
US sides with Georgia because they have a democratic government.
US tells Russia there will be consequences if they don't honor the cease-fire.
Russia continues to send military through Georgia, cease-fire is broken.

meanwhile, Iran is allied with Russia.
US military occupies Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. All these countries surround Iran.
a naval fleet of UK/French/US carriers travels to the Persian Gulf, located under Iran.

see the big picture here? you would be sadly mistaken to think that the US isn't going to get involved. Russia and Iran are currently trying to ally other countries as we speak. this is going to be an ugly war.


New Member
Heard Georgia is an ally of ours.

And Georgia Attacked S. Ossetia, Russia moved in to to protect their citizens in the region. There is a long history of dispute between S Ossetia, Georgia, and the rest of Georgia. They even succeeded in 1992, which was never recognized by the world.

These are eye-witness accounts from people that were caught in the crossfire in South Ossetia.
Amanda Kokoev tells the truth about Georgia & Russian war on FOX - Video
-----I haven't watched the boob tube for awhile - is it normal for Fox news to interrupt breaking news, and then come back for 30 seconds and then end the program? I dont remember their schedule or commercial shit etc.

Russian TV: United States citizen eyewitness account in S Ossetia - Video

Also my roommate was sitting next to me 8-8-08 midnightish when the first news broke. The initial news generated from the region was that Georgia attacked S Ossetia, later it was described as genocide, targeting civilians.
Now the story has switched to Russia attacked Georgia, which is in conflict with the eyewitness accounts in the videos I linked to, as well as the initial reports.

We have enough shit on our table not to be worried about some country called Georgia... it is their problem, let them handle it. Who's side would we take? If we take Georgia's side then that will be a good precursor to WWIII... US and Russia at it again. Nope, I won't stand for it and I don't think many other Americans would either.


Well-Known Member
Georgia blames Russia for attacking South Ossetia.
Russia blames Georgia for attacking South Ossetia.
Russia tells US to choose sides.
US sides with Georgia because they have a democratic government.
US tells Russia there will be consequences if they don't honor the cease-fire.
Russia continues to send military through Georgia, cease-fire is broken.

meanwhile, Iran is allied with Russia.
US military occupies Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. All these countries surround Iran.
a naval fleet of UK/French/US carriers travels to the Persian Gulf, located under Iran.

see the big picture here? you would be sadly mistaken to think that the US isn't going to get involved. Russia and Iran are currently trying to ally other countries as we speak. this is going to be an ugly war.

hye man what you just described is the way it has be fortold in the b.i.b.l.e for centurys

iran allies with a the largest country to the far east to cause destruction, seen by everybody.

this shit is real and its going down!!

no bullshit, we can sit around watchin mtv with our heads up our ass or we can realize someone/people is causein a war to errupt ,and if you know your history from the first w.w.1 with the assasination of arch duke frans ferdinand,the war starts, the they sink the Lusitania conveniently to get us to enter....

ww2, started with hitler taking over europe...
we enter the war

ww3 starts with russia and iran trying to take over....
something conveniently will happen on ameircan soil or to some americans somewhere that will somehow cause us to take direct action.

and then the nuclear holocaust.

what the heck do you do??!!

pray and ask for forgiveness, and prepare to survive like youve never survived before... iget it look around folks
the video games .....

fallout 3,

for a list of post apocalyptic games.

mad max series ,i am legend,12 monkeys (good movie though)

excape from new york.

for a list of post apocalyptic movies.

it seems like the signs are hear, and hollywood has a way of getting a message out when they want too, -cough- kabbalaism, seem to bee the latest religion fad to sweep the seen.

its crazy to think about nuclear holocausts but seriously no fuckin bullshit, its possible, and i bet you russias still got some hydrogen, thats right hydrogen bombs left over from the early cold war years, and they will use it.

i just need to know where to go...

we dont all die.. so some will surive, so where to go to survie?
what to do to survive??
how to survive??
how long can we survive ??

may yhvh have mercy on us all.