Running Air pump in Ebb & Flow


Active Member
Is it necessary to run the air pump 24/7 in the resevoir of an ebb and flow system? Can I have it on a timer to start maybe a few minutes before I flood the table?

I am currently running a small water pump (for circulation only) and the air pump 24/7. I was wondering if I would be ok with just running the circulation water pump without the air pump.

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
Better to run the air pump 24/7 and no circulation pump as even a small air pump keeps things circulating-makes the other pump kind of redundant. The air pump in conjunction with h2o2 is essential for maintaining a highly oxyginated solution. This will discourage pathogen and algae growth and encourage vigorous growth in your plants-yield will be affected without-IMHO and that of a few other reputable sources.


Active Member
So if I am using the heavy strength hydrogen peroxide do you recommend using it through the entire grow? If so, what quantities would you suggest if I am running a 15 gal resv? How often do I need to add it? Thanks


Well-Known Member
'The air pump is gonna have some problems once all of that water drains down'
I don't understand how an empty res would effect an air pump?


Active Member
I was a bit confused by that as well GT. Are you saying if its off then the air line could gain a suction and roll back into my air pump if it was lower than the res?

Anyway, an update to this is I picked up some 35% H2O2 at the hydro shop today.

And I also scored a 6" Can Fan for $105 delivered on ebay. They are offering a Microsoft rebate and I also had a 10% off coupon they sent me. What a deal.


Active Member
Heres the deal: Plants soak up carbon dioxide thru leaves and roots, 200 ppm in our air. you should have CO2 generators 3 1 gallon fermenting jugs per 100 sq ft. (gives 1400ppm) Clip the end of the hoses onto your hood, let the gass fall on the plants, and turn the fans on only during the dark periods and for breif moments in the day for quick air exchanges or heat release. Dont exhaust your valuable gas.

Use the fish store air pump with hose and bubble stone, get a second stone or a third with extra tubing and tee's. The best place to bubble is in the water of the root chamber, this keeps the nutes moving which cleans the thing and prevents root rot. Yeah you could put one in a sattelite reservior that had no roots in it. Roots love air and the higher the CO2 in it the better.

Put the "intake" of the air pump where there will be alot of collecting CO2 gas near the floor, from your fermenting sugar bottle.

This should amaze you it did me...:weed:

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
So if I am using the heavy strength hydrogen peroxide do you recommend using it through the entire grow? If so, what quantities would you suggest if I am running a 15 gal resv? How often do I need to add it? Thanks
Yes you will want to add 1.7ml of 35%h202 per Liter (15x3.8x1.7=your dose) every 3-4 days to maintain a clean, sterile nutrient solution. In conjunction with the airstone things will be good to go. Sorry it took me a couple days to get back to this thread


Well-Known Member
I like to use the bubble stone sticks that are about 8in long. They are heavy, and stay on the bottom. The roots need oxygen!!

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
Heres the deal: Plants soak up carbon dioxide thru leaves and roots, 200 ppm in our air. you should have CO2 generators 3 1 gallon fermenting jugs per 100 sq ft. (gives 1400ppm) Clip the end of the hoses onto your hood, let the gass fall on the plants, and turn the fans on only during the dark periods and for breif moments in the day for quick air exchanges or heat release. Dont exhaust your valuable gas.

Use the fish store air pump with hose and bubble stone, get a second stone or a third with extra tubing and tee's. The best place to bubble is in the water of the root chamber, this keeps the nutes moving which cleans the thing and prevents root rot. Yeah you could put one in a sattelite reservior that had no roots in it. Roots love air and the higher the CO2 in it the better.

Put the "intake" of the air pump where there will be alot of collecting CO2 gas near the floor, from your fermenting sugar bottle.

This should amaze you it did me...:weed:
This is crap. Ignore these wives tales. Post pics of a meter giving me scietific proof of co2 concentrations from overpriced buckets of hay. Till then don't regurgitate the manufacturers claims and bs instructions for use.

When you are ready to add co2 enrichment to your grow then a measurable, scientifically based and designed system should be used. These snake oil peddlers should be ignored until you know better and can trash these wives tales yourself.

For instance this guy wants you to buy his snake oil so badly he is rambling about root chambers ignoring the fact you are asking about a res for ebb and flow. Just needing to segway into claims of greatness, a cure for whatever ails you. lol


Active Member
Hey Old, I was thinking the same thing. If this guy even took a second to read the title thread he would know that I'm using ebb and flow.

I wasn't even going to acknowledge that ridiculous post because it has absolutely nothing to do with what I was asking.

Will the H2O2 negate anything I'm using in this setup" GH Grow, Bloom, Micro. Floralicious plus and Kool Bloom. I thought the Floralicious plus might have some type of organic or microbes in it that the H2O2 could kill?

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
Yep, my apologies if you posted info on the organics earlier. H2O2 is incompatible with organics-so if you won't (ahhem) switch to synthetics you will have to stick with a beneficial treatment of some kind. -Not my area of expertise-hydroguard-which has been recalled by the fda was good but i don't know any of the others.