RSO vs Rosin

High Tide

Well-Known Member
Greetings......I've made both RSO and Rosin with good success.........Is there a difference between the finished product from the two?.......just that one is extracted and cooked down with solvents (grain alcoohol or 99% isopropyl) and the other with heat and hydraulic pressure. Isn't the finished product basically the same?


Well-Known Member
Greetings......I've made both RSO and Rosin with good success.........Is there a difference between the finished product from the two?.......just that one is extracted and cooked down with solvents (grain alcoohol or 99% isopropyl) and the other with heat and hydraulic pressure. Isn't the finished product basically the same?


Well-Known Member
Primary difference I've encountered is my RSO always stripped alot of chlorophyll even after winterizing. I prefer to squish or make some CCO for edibles.