RQS USA Collection + Extras ALL RQS


Well-Known Member

Light = 110 w BrightWing
Propogator = Heat Matt + Thermo / Rootit
Cloner = DWC
Heater = 45 w / Lighthouse
Fan = 16 w / Secrete Jardin
Trays = Various + Prop + Veg + Mom Areas

= 25/26 = Day/Night = ?

Nutes = Canna + Extra Bits

Water = Good OLD TapWater Have a Spare Pump I Will Start Bubbleing Water For A Day Or Two Before Use

Day 2 = Day 1 in this setup


So finished the propagation unit today
The plan with this unit was to do everything in a micro scale
My old veg was same light but bigger version and aero cloner with tubes it used to give me way to many cuttings and the space needed was just to much like I can just slide this in a cupboard or behind my bed wher it is next to flower tent and I’ve fitted all the mod cons so they have a good stay at Area420

Current Guests
= RQS Northern Lights /Ak47 Photoperiod Fems

I will list all flower room specs once we get to that stage ther will be 2 Flower Rooms both running 250 hps and all the mod cons to make ther stay at Area840 + Area1680 Budifull


