Round 2


Well-Known Member
So it's round two for us first time grower. Had a bit of set back with chem burn but managed to get it under control. This is our DWC under 400w HPS

These have been here for about a month. The buds don't seem to be very dense, and this plant is very leafy, I want to save this strain as it is the last of it's kind and supposing has thc levels of around 27%. The strain is called Bi-Frost, and i'm using Ionic Bloom + Koolbloom at full strength.



Well-Known Member
Okay, I'll bite. Why bamboo?

If you get some serious weight on that skinny bitch, she'll brake in half. You're not getting any light on the side that's leaning, unless you are turning her around. With the bamboo, it will make it way easier.

Now you know. And knowing is half the battle.