roots before bloom


Well-Known Member
probably hotter than hell in there without those lights vented...... if you had a canopy you would need a circulation fan at that level....

Kush Knight

Well-Known Member
Well first I kinda wonder how you flush cus thats not 6 ozs. Unless its got a TON of fert in it at harvest. And you plants look terrible. But If You truly want help...

If you want density and weight you need more light, remedied with say a 23w cfl inches from the specific group of bud sites you'd like affected, coupled with heavier waterings, and more frequent feeds . Also LST like crazy to actually train/shape your plant, and put an oscilating fan on them girls. You should have never moved the light more than 4.5-5 ft above the soil level.

Because of your chosen watering method I think your plants suffer from under watering unless your giving them like 3 gallons daily. Then it would be overwatering. If you won't listen to other peoples advice and opinions, why are you on the thread wasting peoples time with your 2/3 cup of butter for edibles quality plant.

Root expansion occurs when the medium gets dry enough that the roots have to search for water and thus expand themselves through the air spaces in the soil chasing after the water. (My knowledge stems more from soil btw not soil-less grows). Most Green-Thumbed gardeners will tell you to let you plants beg for water. Honestly I'd just wait till the plant has guaranteed drank all the water (only one time wait till the leaves start to droop or growing slows noticeably during veg then add 1/2 to 2/3 cups water) and pick up the pot to feel the weight, then water till there is a good amount of runoff (2-3 gallons runoff for a 10 gal) and wait till it weighs the it did with just 2/3 cups water before watering again. Buy a scale if you want and you can be exact. But plants thrive on an over-abundance of water, my relative just runs the hose for 4-6 hours daily on his 5 lb 11ft outdoor plants. Not that I always agree with him.

If you want that a lb or more from "2 lights"
-always keep the light less than 15"-18" from the tops with proper heat removal from the grow room, additionally veg first with T5 CFL then MH HIDs if you can, buy some 23-40w cfl spotlights of both spectrums, add another fan or two, and control the rh and temp.
-learn how and why to top or fim, supercrop and proper tie down methods basically all forms of LST, look into a scrog (Screen of Green), and train your plant better!
-go over the top and buy smart pots, hydrogen peroxide, and a microbial tea then overwater them like crazy with peroxide mixed in on watering days followed by a tea the next day to rebuild lost microbial colonies essential for nutrient uptake.
-Foliar feed if possible

Go Big or go home is the saying,
and you got to spend some to grow big at home.

I love referencing this buhhhh they didn't do everything right including where the water was going (to close to the center) and other things like not pruning undergrowth and dead material, oh and wrong kind of reinforcement so lots of breaks. But I near guarantee the roots filled the pot.
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