Rootbound 16 Days into flowering!???


Well-Known Member
the first 2 major branches twords the bottom of the plant are drooping as it does when its rootbound...the roots should have stopped growing by now right?? anyone know whats going on?


Well-Known Member
ill get a pic soon,how can rootbound not be a factor when 2 times my plants got droopy i just transplanted them and they were fine right after?


Well-Known Member
ill get a pic soon,how can rootbound not be a factor when 2 times my plants got droopy i just transplanted them and they were fine right after?

you may have been over watering or under watering or lacking something the new soil had in it. big pots make for more comfortable roots but roots will not grow to the point of harming the plant.


Active Member
What's up guys? Hey Brick Top. What if it was rootbound? How do you fix that? Do you pull the ball out and prune it a certain way? If so, do you want to cut them all, just the taproot, or just the sides, or what?


Im not sure cutting your roots is any better for your plant than having its roots constrained...if the roots have filled the pot you may need to water more than normal as theres not as much soil per area to hold in moisture.

ID try that at least give it a few days trial before you go cutting your plants roots man.


Well-Known Member
the more roots there are in the container the more water and neuts they use quicker soo just water it more often thats all