Room temp way tooo hot

WEED fairy

New Member
Ok so I have a 600w ipower dimmable ballast in a closet roughly seven feet wide two feet deep and eight foot tall with a tall oscalating fan and a big 15 in square fan blowing from the top down onto the other fan . Anyway the temp of the room spiked to 93 degrees last nite so I had to open the door and that cooled it but I need the door to shut so I am going to order a vornado 530 and 6in ducting to pull the hot air out I'm going to mount it in the top corner of the closet and run the ductin out of the closet. Then run another piece of ducting from my window to the closet letting in the 40 degree air from out side I love in New England so it's still cold out my question is do u think the temp will be bearable with this set up compared to now

WEED fairy

New Member
Also I don't think I put enough perlite in my cocoa I poured a foll on of treated water and just a little qutar of a cup under a gallon came out is that too much water coming out


Well-Known Member
Maybe try a cooltube for your light, this would be a very good start to controlling your temps. but it also sounds like you need more ventilation in your cab, the air needs to be cycled regularly to bring in fresh air.

What ratio coco to perlite did you use? I use a 50/50 mix but requires more regular watering, but I've grown with just pure coco in the past and never had any problem, it's really difficult to over water in coco, so I wouldnt worry about it to much (as long as your pots have proper drainage).


Well-Known Member
Oh, I forgot to mention to be careful that your temps don't drop to low during lights out, this will cause you problems.

WEED fairy

New Member
Thx for the reply if you know of a good site to buy a cool tube because that would be a lot easier then what I did I got the temp done to 81 by running a 4in duct from my window with a small vordado desk fan attached to the window end. I also mounted a ht900 Honeywell fan that is a piece of crap as far as pushing wind but it's enough to move a lil bit of the hot air to the top corner with a 6in metal duct running out of the closet. It works for now but when it gets warm in a couple months I'm screwed so cool tube plus this set up will be really good. Oh yea and I'm going to buy a 6in and 4in inline fans one for each duct instead of the ghetto fans should those inline fans work a lot better then what I got now? I'm running about 1/5 perlite or 20%. Also how much and when should I water a 3 gallon smart pot with that medium estimate I know that there are a lot of variables


Well-Known Member
This thread was unnecessary.
You answered and fixed your own problem, and knew what was causing your problem, yet you want someone to confirm what you already know or could have googled?
Sorry I'm a little rude? Maybe, sorry.

Just these are the threads that make smart helpful people, not even want to help people anymore, because they can't even help themselves.
Which in time, leads to no one wanting to help anyone because everyone expects someone to do research for them. This hurts the people that actually need help later down the road, because you cried wolf (In a sense) so much that they won't even think about helping.

Just my two cents =D

Now to the topic.

Did you really think a 600W in a closet that isn't open and no passive intake/outake would be okay for more than an hour?
That 600W right now is acting as a heater for the closet, no hot air out, no cold air in, no real air circulating, its just recycled air that gets hotter and hotter.

So to answer your question, yes.
Either crack the door open half a inch (Makes a huge difference trust me)
or cut open a 6.5 Inch hole at the top of the closet door, and insert some ducting, and exhaust using the inline.
You want to SUCK out the air from the closet, not blow air out. (Hope that made sense)

To give you an idea of how I overcame my heat problem, it was extremely simple.
My tent temps were hitting 100F+, this was because I was pushing in more air than I was pushing out, causing the air to just heat up instantly as it meshed with the hotter air still inside.
Instead of opening the tent door to let air in or only use passive intake/outake I hooked up ducting to my air cooled hood, and put the Inline on the exit end of the ducting and sucked air from out the hood to outside.
Now the other end of the air cooled hood was open.
Two birds, one stone.
Sucking hot air out of the hood, and sucking hot air out the tent as well. Causing a negative pressure that sucked in fresh air from the passive flaps.
Now I'm cruising on 80F with 2 400Ws and no A/c yet.

WEED fairy

New Member
Ok so glad u felt the need to write all that to tell me u had the same problem and fixed it basically the same way I did except sucking the hot air our instead of pushing it out that's awesome I was simply asking if there was other things ideas of how to cool the room besides the ideas I allready had two heads are better than one unless one is being rude and not helping some one totally new to this whole thing way to make me not wanna come back here for advice


Ok so glad u felt the need to write all that to tell me u had the same problem and fixed it basically the same way I did except sucking the hot air our instead of pushing it out that's awesome I was simply asking if there was other things ideas of how to cool the room besides the ideas I allready had two heads are better than one unless one is being rude and not helping some one totally new to this whole thing way to make me not wanna come back here for advice
We'll said fairy sum people jus wanna be ass holes! If we new the answers completely we went ask!!!!


Well-Known Member
We'll said fairy sum people jus wanna be ass holes! If we new the answers completely we went ask!!!!
Guess I'm the asshole here for trying to help.
Mr. Obvious here, maybe if you knew how to spell, people wouldn't have a hard time reading the crap you post.

As for weed fairy, glad I couldn't help.
Just proves my point when people do try and help, they just don't care, unless it's exactly what they were asking for.

So you felt the need to post and ask this question, for something you already knew. Great way to meet people I guess?
What did you think was gonna happen? Someone was going to offer you some crazy solution that would work?
You're growing in a closet, have no intake or out take, and you expected another answer than exhaust.

The logic people have.
Your a complete dick bro... he was asking if his solution would work before spending money. Fairy we all are nit like this douche so feel free to ask any question. The only dumb question is an unasked one.


Well-Known Member
Your a complete dick bro... he was asking if his solution would work before spending money. Fairy we all are nit like this douche so feel free to ask any question. The only dumb question is an unasked one.
I'm a complete dick? I literally was only trying to help, with a little rant thrown in because I love to rant. I type extremely fast, so fast what may take you an hour to type takes me literally a few minutes. So I can get like a essay done on the forums in a few minutes and people will read my long stupid rant for no reason other than I just typed it cause I was bored.


I fail to see how I'm the dick or asshole here?
The real dick the guy who asked a question he KNEW the answer to and expected someone to give him a better solution to the problem, that only had one possible way to be fixed.
The real dick is the guy who couldn't take 2 minutes to google "Heat issues in closet" and get his answer instantly, but instead made 125+ people waste their time clicking on the thread.
Those 100+ people who didn't take the time to post a lick of information, those 100+ people did nothing, I tried to do something.
Yet I'm the dick.

Did he not expect a fucking 600W light that temps internally reach probably more than a thousand degrees to heat up his small closet that was closed shut with absolutely no fresh air? Did he not fucking take common sense class?

/End rant
Maybe its his first grow? I did the same thing on a budget and wanted to ask before spending 200 on exhaust and such.. never hurts to ask unless someone makes you not wanna ask another question. There's nicer ways to say exactly what u did
Before I could afford exhaust I froze four gallon of water put them in a cooler cut a fan hole in the top blowing out and drilled a few quarter inch holes around the side plugged it in and bam cooler temps for a few hours. Fans are not the only answer


Well-Known Member
Cannabis is free, your a dick. Why are you even looking in the NEWBIE thread if you just want to talk to people that way? If you want to help people do it, if not then don't.

If people were that mean to me when I started I might not of continued. Every other person that decides to grow is another person helping our cause! Don't discourage anyone. Getting your environment dialed can be tricky, time consuming, and sometimes expensive! It's not easy replicating mother nature in a closet.

Here is my suggestion:

Take a look at how I have my carbon filter, fan, and air cooled hood set up in my journal. I think this is a good set up for a begginer, only needing 1, 6" to pull air through a carbon filter, exhaust hot air, and cool your hood. Not one to exhaust and ANOTHER one to cool your hood. You can always upgrade and make them seperate, but I think this is a great way to kill two birds with one stone(and save some money). Just make sure you also buy a fan speed controler so you can control how much air it is sucking out. A fan at full tilt is often WAY WAY too powerful and doesn't let you control your environment. If you need to keep the door closed your probably going to have to buy a fan for an active intake. I have a 4" fan, also on a speed controller, blowing fresh air into my tent. My one word of advice would be this. Exhaust the hot air out the window and suck air in from your room, NOT OUTSIDE. 40 degree air rushing into your tent isn't going to fly.


Well-Known Member
If you want a different solution...
Don't spend a hundred dollars on some ducting and a fan, instead drop a grand or more on one of those portable air conditioner units, and wheel it into the closet.
Or take a Styrofoam cooler drill a few holes midway cut a fan hole in top havebitnblow up make sure its secure fill the cooler with a little water and drop a bunch of ice in it. Keep ice in it and keep water level right and u got a mini a.c.. temp solution bb it works


Well-Known Member
Lol typo. Much such a dick* he obviously is scared to drop that much so thats not a viable alternative.
I know what you 'much' to say, I can read typonese, I was only fucking with you.
It is obvious that getting a fan and ducting is the sensible choice.

Although.. I will point out, that if he plans on getting a carbon filter, or will be using a long duct, or multiple bends in it.. he should steer away from the cheap inline booster fans.
Be sure to buy a centrifugal fan, preferably one with a speed controller. It will be a much more efficient air mover, and with a speed knob, he can control temperatures easier.