Ron Paul Wants to Legalize It


Well-Known Member
Chris Otchy

The first marijuana decriminalization bill in 25 years has just been introduced to Congress courtesy of Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) and Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA). If passed, the “Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults Act of 2008” would make it legal to possess up to 3.5 ounces (100 grams) for personal use, and allow not-for-profit transfers of up to one ounce between consenting adults. Supporting the bill by petitioning local representatives can quickly and easily be done through the Drug Policy Alliance Action Center.

The introduction of the bill comes at the same time as a New York Times article stating that the United States is currently leading the world in prison populations, with roughly 2.3 million behind bars (China, with four times the U.S. population, comes a distant second with 1.6 million prisoners). Though the extraordinarily large U.S. prison population is a complex issue and the product of various factors, the drug laws undoubtedly contribute to it.

While some feel it is unlikely the “Personal Use of Marijuana Act” will become law just yet, support of it will help lobbyists to identify the members of Congress who advocate marijuana decriminalization. Gathering like-minded support is the first step to make changes in the current laws.


Well-Known Member
If you want a response, write a letter. Phone calls are acceptable, but should not be the primary means of contact. A letter will elicit a written response. It will be mostly bullshit, but it will be a response.

Honestly, when I worked in politics, we knew when we were about to be 'phone banked' by reading pertinent blogs. Depending on the issue, people could get pretty upset and would unload on the staff. Phone bank days were wasted because all we did was answer the telephones. Phone campaigns fatigue and antagonize staffers.

Letters are the traditional method of conversing with elected officials. The more personalized the letter, the better. Form letters are about the same as phone calls.


Well-Known Member
I never knew that. Great information. And since in a letter we can take our time to vociferate ourselves, we can convey meaning that much better.

I wonder if there is a database on the net or something telling us, for what state, or whatever, we can write to.


Well-Known Member
As posted previously, here is the response I got about a week later after contacting my representative. I'm sure he understands now that I've written him back informing him that I plan on doing everything in my power to ensure he's never elected to any office again.
Rep. Dan Lungren said:
Dear Mrs. Seamaiden,

Thank you for contacting me regarding your concern for marijuana laws. I appreciate hearing from you.

The authority derived from Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress the power to regulate controlled substances and to determine the purposes for which they can lawfully be used. Congress declared that illegal possession of controlled substances impacts interstate commerce when it passed the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 (section 801 of Title 21, United States Code.)

Furthermore, Article VI of the Constitution states that the Constitution, Federal laws and all Treaties are to be considered the supreme law of the land. State law exists alongside federal law, since both have jurisdiction in this area. But since Federal law is supreme, federal officials in any state, regardless of whether or how state law addresses a particular issue, can enforce Federal regulation of illegal drugs.

Marijuana is an addictive substance that is linked to cancer and respiratory ailments, and problems with the immune and reproductive systems. It is a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, meaning that it has a high potential for abuse. For many drug users, marijuana is the beginning of a destructive cycle of drug addiction. For these reasons and more, I cannot support lifting criminal sanctions on a drug that has harmed so many. Although I have supported a study to ensure that marijuana is in the proper classification level in the Controlled Substances Act, I do not at this time favor any change in the law.

Although I regret our disagreement on this issue, I hope that you will continue to contact me about other issues in the future.

Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.

If you would like to stay informed about federal legislation introduced in the 110th Congress, as well as local issues that may interest you, please take a moment to subscribe to my monthly e-newsletter at Congressman Dan Lungren: Listening to California's 3rd District - Home.

I look forward to discussing this or any other issue affecting our 3rd Congressional District with you in the future. For upcoming Town Hall meetings, or for information on issues or legislation pending before Congress, please visit my website at Congressman Dan Lungren: Listening to California's 3rd District - Home. If you need assistance with a federal agency, please call my Gold River office at (916) 859-9906. My staff and I are always available to address your concerns, answer your questions, and listen to your ideas.

Daniel E. Lungren
Member of Congress
Fuck-ass. :x


Well-Known Member
And the motherfucker dares to call himself a Republican. He's a fucking neo-con of the first order.


Well-Known Member
And the motherfucker dares to call himself a Republican. He's a fucking neo-con of the first order.
You know he was just meeting with some members of the Miwuk tribe up here recently, yeah? Do you think he dropped for Cheney? :lol: :|


Well-Known Member
One thing I do think is funny though is that so many would vote for someone based on one issue.... sad


Well-Known Member
One thing I do think is funny though is that so many would vote for someone based on one issue.... sad
whatever would get RON PAUL into office would be great!!!!:mrgreen: if the legalization of pot would get him into office or get his name out there, than so be it :D


Well-Known Member
One thing I do think is funny though is that so many would vote for someone based on one issue.... sad
I'm not voting for him based upon one issue. That being said, the legalization of pot is just one small part of a bigger picture so to speak. It's all about the preservation of the rights and freedoms of the individual. I offer myself up as an example; I haven't smoked pot in almost 30 years, yet I feel that it is a person's right to grow and smoke pot if they so desire without repercussions of incarceration.


Well-Known Member
yet under your name its says ganja smoker lol,

idk i cant vote im more then likely going to be aconvicted felon becuase i had a grow op in my closet when i was going to school and got busted trying to get rid of it, so i cant do much.

but who knows, courts amonth away still


Well-Known Member
yet under your name its says ganja smoker lol,

idk i cant vote im more then likely going to be aconvicted felon becuase i had a grow op in my closet when i was going to school and got busted trying to get rid of it, so i cant do much.

but who knows, courts amonth away still

I am a Ganja Smoker and have been for 3/4 of my life (proudly smoking it for 35 years), But I also know that legalization isn't going to save our country... Yes it will make it to where we won't have to live in the shadows and enjoy our favorite herb in secret, but we need to focus on other issues besides marijuana.... Your talking to someone that over a 20 year period (when I lived in California) has received 25 possession tickets.
The sad thing that I see on a lot of the marijuana boards is that the membership only focuses on just that issue and that issue alone.

Personally I do not think that Ron Paul is right for this country, he wants to cut too many programs off completely which in turn would make the crime rate in this country go up over night. This would facilitate more people going to prison because they just wanted to feed their family.

There are other Issues that I am against that Ron Paul embraces, but at this time I will digress in the interest of keeping the peace.


New Member
Not trying to be faceatious but this statement leaves me wondering:

Your talking to someone that over a 20 year period (when I lived in California) has received 25 possession tickets.

Now I'm no genious, but I lived in Ca. for over 20 Years and never recieved one ticket. I smoked as much if not more than most, dealt kilos, lbs., OZs, and even imported them. I did get busted with 30 LBs once, but I never got a ticket. So either you are very stupid, or you were trying to make a Political statement. I'll hold my judgement untill you explain that statement. 25 tickets, my God man, didn't you learn the first 8-10 times?


Well-Known Member
LA County Sheriff, Once they have your number they keep coming after you every time they see you....
Me and that particular officer were on a first name basis.

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
you know what, get all you freinds and family, and their freinds and family, and etc. to write a letter to their rep. that way we don't need to elect a pres. just cause he's the only one to support weed. but, we tarded, I'm thinkin about changing my last name to maryjane before I run for pres.


New Member
LA County Sheriff, Once they have your number they keep coming after you every time they see you....
Me and that particular officer were on a first name basis.
Come on Dank, 25 times? I'd have moved or something. After I got busted with the 30 lbs, I moved, changed counties. Still drove to work in orange county, but lived in L.A. County. Finally opened a business in L.A. county and didn't have to ever go there again. The fucking cops even tried to fuck my wife while I was in jail. She was pretty pissed at me, so she may have, That is an ex wife anyway. The cops never bothered me after that. Why would anyone let the sheriff give them 25 fucking tickets, seems like after a while, they'd just haul your ass off to jail, get tired of fucking with you.