Ron Paul is my pick (so far)


Well-Known Member
I agree, I just don't think that most people are listening... Most people aren't really thinkers,(including those whom we elect) they react with out thinking... Most are short sighted.


Well-Known Member
i think that the media is finding Dr. Paul irresistible.

at first, they were quite content to brush him off with barely a mention but more and more he is getting the interviews... NPR last week, Fox, that's a lot more than Keyes and other unlikelys ever get. something seems to be happening.



New Member
Although Ron Paul Has some interesting and defining attributes, he lacks a sense of social morality. His privatization policies would decimate the already shoddy social programs in country. It's very clear that the private sector has no comprehensive social agenda. They would prefer that all non-elites were in fact slaves with no say in the political structure at all. We, proletariates, are considered nothing more than cannon fodder and slaves for as cheap as they can get us. If our numbers exceed the requirements to man their factories and fill their armies, we are expendable. Basically we just clog their roads and create liabilities they are unwilling to fund, Health care, Bah-Humbug, Food stamps, Bah-Humbug, Fair Housing, Bah-Humbug. We are looked upon as less than human. Our needs are outrageous intrusions into their complacency. If Ron Paul had a sense of social justice, I'd say he'd be the perfect candidate, but alas he has none.


Well-Known Member
med, i don't understand how you can have such a disdain for your fellow citizens.

you have "compassion" and good will toward others but you find it impossible to believe that others would also have this?

by handing the task of being compassionate over to the government we rob ourselves of the dignity of being human beings. we strip dignity not only from the recipients of these "hand ups" but also from ourselves as we outsource the very trait of kindness to a nameless, soulless machine we call government.

if we free the businesses from all the intrusion and regulation we will not see these massive conglomerates survive for very long at all, the natural course will return commerce to smaller, less centralized community built businesses. it takes a long term commitment to get there but we need to break away from government social manipulation.

let's let the people help the people.


Plato Is Boring

Well-Known Member
I have a ton of complaints, but one real biggy. It shows, to me, that he's a fucking fool. He's going to have to explain one thing to me, or maybe you could. He would like to abolish The Fed because "it's unconstitutional." The biggest thing I'd like for him to tell me is how do you combat cost-push inflation without The Fed? And considering that Friedman's influence in monetary policy peaked well over forty years ago, and Mises or Rothbard haven't been influential in well over half a century I'll need a little more than their standard answer.


New Member
I agree, I just don't think that most people are listening... Most people aren't really thinkers,(including those whom we elect) they react with out thinking... Most are short sighted.
I totally agree with you on this Dank. I blame the government monopolized schools systems for this. How about you? I mean, young folks are walking out of our high schools and universities without any knowledge of what it means to be truly free. As a result, they are completly devoid of the concept of liberty.


Plato Is Boring

Well-Known Member
Well freedom is subjective. Let's talk about how great education was before Mann. Before we had this government monopoly school system, how would you describe the situation? Surely you don't want to end all transfers for education.


New Member
I have a ton of complaints, but one real biggy. It shows, to me, that he's a fucking fool. He's going to have to explain one thing to me, or maybe you could. He would like to abolish The Fed because "it's unconstitutional." The biggest thing I'd like for him to tell me is how do you combat cost-push inflation without The Fed? And considering that Friedman's influence in monetary policy peaked well over forty years ago, and Mises or Rothbard haven't been influential in well over half a century I'll need a little more than their standard answer.

Ron Paul has answered that question many times over the years. It's out of print now, but if you can find it on Ebay, or a used book store, pick up a copy of Ron Paul's book titled "The Money Book."

How about taking the monetary printing presses away from the Fed and returning the control of money back into the hands of the citizens by returning to gold-backed currency?

What's your take on the 48 billion the Fed just pumped back into the economy yesterday? That's another 48 billion worth of inflation for you. :)


Plato Is Boring

Well-Known Member
Ron Paul has answered that question many times over the years. It's out of print now, but if you can find it on Ebay, or a used book store, pick up a copy of Ron Paul's book titled "The Money Book."

How about taking the monetary printing presses away from the Fed and returning the control of money back into the hands of the citizens by returning to gold-backed currency?

It's impossible to control cost-push inflation by turning tying your money to a commodity. That's why Friedman never advocated anything near that. He pushed for his k-percent rule to be put into effect, but that never gained traction. Seriously, what do you say when unemployment and interest rates skyrocket due to cost-push if you're backed by gold? Sorry? That's about all you can do. The ffr needs to be at 5 1/4 in my opinion. You seriously are convinced the influx of money is the cause of inflation while everyone knows it's interest rates. Hell even Ricardo was on to that and he died two-hundred years ago. Yeah, you should probably consult him about the current deficit spending.


Well-Known Member

Ron Paul has answered that question many times over the years. It's out of print now, but if you can find it on Ebay, or a used book store, pick up a copy of Ron Paul's book titled "The Money Book."

How about taking the monetary printing presses away from the Fed and returning the control of money back into the hands of the citizens by returning to gold-backed currency?

What's your take on the 48 billion the Fed just pumped back into the economy yesterday? That's another 48 billion worth of inflation for you. :)

That's the thing Vi, Ron Paul is a Medical Doctor, not an economist.... So anything he would write on the subject would be conjecture.


Well-Known Member
LOL, maybe so.... It seems as though Bernanke has his head up his ass.... Hell even Greenspan had a better grasp on economics.


New Member
med, i don't understand how you can have such a disdain for your fellow citizens.

you have "compassion" and good will toward others but you find it impossible to believe that others would also have this?

by handing the task of being compassionate over to the government we rob ourselves of the dignity of being human beings. we strip dignity not only from the recipients of these "hand ups" but also from ourselves as we outsource the very trait of kindness to a nameless, soulless machine we call government.

if we free the businesses from all the intrusion and regulation we will not see these massive conglomerates survive for very long at all, the natural course will return commerce to smaller, less centralized community built businesses. it takes a long term commitment to get there but we need to break away from government social manipulation.

let's let the people help the people.

And by privatizing all social structures (charity) you would basically hand the wellfare over to the compassionate benovelent corporations, right. The CEOs that rake in Millions would surely give most of their money to cover education for the poor, food vouchers for the hungry and build housing for the poor. The greedy investors would donate most of their stock profits to help the needy. I think you are delusional. Without some governmental accountability, the private sector would run rampant on the society untill there was no middle class and all you had was elites and serfs. Look at history. It was the evolution of the governmental societies that have afforded us this level of middle class living. Government oversight plus unionization of certain industries have brought the wages up to a liveable level. It has been the distinct intent of the Bush Regime to dismantle this policy and revert back to the feudal system. The Ron Paul dismanteling of any Governmental oversight on the private sector would hasten this agenda. I will state for the record: I am for Ron Pauls individual freedom agenda, free from government intrusion into our private lives, free to put what ever we want into our bodies, free to do what ever we want as long as it doesn't intrude on anothers soverignity, but as a for profit entity, we must assume responsibility for behaving ethically and compassionately towards our fellow man.


Well-Known Member
Med, what exactly has the “compassion” of the federal govt accomplished?
I think you are grossly underestimating the power and righteousness of private charities!

med, your writing style has evolved quite nicely as demonstrated in several of your recent posts. There is not as much venom, and your ideas are much more lucid! Great job!