Romney profits off the murder of children...


Ursus marijanus
you better get a few gallons of kerosene too...
Good call. It'll remove the Vaseline and duct tape adhesive. You can then pretend it never happened ... except for the lifetime of vivid, disturbing dreams filled with dread ... and longing. cn


Well-Known Member
Government cheese should be injected with Anthrax. Die liberal.
I thought you guys were pro-life? Why do you guys hate marijuana? And I don't get government cheese. But a coward like you would not say that to my face. Either way we know that you are a small man full of hatred and who cannot make a rational argument.


Well-Known Member
The truth of the story is that every boy at the school had to have short hair, after seeing the kid with extra long bangs Romney and friends held him down and OMG OMG OMG cut his hair to regulation length.

The fact that the Kid was gay had nothing to do with the hair cut.
I am not so sure of it. When Romney would use anti-gay slurs, what was that? And why did Romney choose to enforce the rules rather than let the school administrators? If I see you breaking the law, should I be a vigilante and enforce the laws?


Well-Known Member
According to the left (you), abortion is disposal of waste not children. Romney profited from abortion. Therefor Romney profited from you throwing away your waste.

I fail to see why you are upset.
So Romney approves of abortion then as he condones it and takes part in it. It is rumored that him and his family feasted on the fetuses and used them for Mormon rituals after they converted the "children" into Mormonism as they did Ann Frank.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
anyone in the grade above you ever round up a posse, seek you out as you minded your business, assault you, pin you, and cut your hair as you cried and screamed for help?

I hit 6 foot 4 in the sixth grade. there was never anybody outside the faculty that was bigger than me, so no. the closest to your passion play i experienced was a small gang of black kids deciding that whitey (meaning myself, the only honkie in the school) needed to be taught a lesson. 5 of them jumped me after classes.

i got suspended for 3 weeks, and transferred to the "last chance" school after that shit was over. apparently it was my own fault, and i assaulted them as a group. good thing minorities cant be racist. otherwise that could have been awkward.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
So Romney approves of abortion then as he condones it and takes part in it. It is rumored that him and his family feasted on the fetuses and used them for Mormon rituals after they converted the "children" into Mormonism as they did Ann Frank.
no no no.

mormons only feast on live christian babies, its the jehovahs witnesses that distill the flesh of unchristened infants into their sacramental wine.

mistakes in your blood libel just makes you look like an amateur.