Romney lies about his taxes again!


Well-Known Member
what a world we are creating. 11 lines, that's all it takes to create an impenetrable "wall of text". those inexplicable blocks of type are called paragraphs, a term you may not be familiar with in this wasteland of tweets, twits and twats. just so you know, i write the way i do on purpose. i omit capitals and refuse to indent the beginnings of paragraphs so that folks will actually have to pay attention to what they are reading. it pleases me that some will simply give up and move on to their comic books, reality shows and msnbc. as a general rule, these are people so intellectually challenged as to not be worth considering in the first place. there is certainly a place for such individuals. the food service industry and the democratic party, for example, both have plenty of room for these folks. in an honest debate of serious matters, however, there is simply no room for people who need to wear a helmet every time they leave the house.
Lol, I didn't even disagree with your point, I just said make it better.



Well-Known Member
lol, how do you come to that conclusion based on what you wrote?

can't say I disagree but I conclusion has nothing to do with how much taxes obomeny paid
He is not explaining what he would do to us so he is hiding his true nature, a devil.

Here are a couple of things Romney firmly believes! The Earth is around 5000 years old and Native Americans from South America are the lost Tribe of Israel.
He says he is not concerned with 47% of voters just 10% in the Middle. He was in favor of health insurance when Governor but now is against it. He was against sending poor people to the Emergency Room and making all of us pay that bill. Now he is in favor of Emergency room at tax payer expense.

Flip Flop Devil


Well-Known Member
i see you are still the simpering twit. PURE??? you've got to be joking. the lie upon lie that every candidacy is made up of, that is what we have all come to expect. i realize this is probably beyond you, but there is nothing that comes out of a candidate's mouth that could be considered anything close to "pure". i suppose i should expect such foolishness from someone who actually believes that unemployment is going down, not that more people are simply giving up and existing on government handouts. should we list the lies and failures of the present administration, lies and failures that actually do impact the rest of the nation? no, i don't think we have the time for such a lengthy list. let's just get down to the simple facts of american politics. no election is won on 100% truth, but rather on perception, expectation and innuendo. the majority of the american voting public is just as stupid as you are, though usually not quite so single-mindedly delusional. the candidates are out there trying to spin their platforms in such a way as to be palatable to the undecided voters, while not alienating their devoted base. this is how we end up with compromises like the one you are taking exception to, a perfectly reasonable compromise in my estimation. it satisfies the self-determination crowd, romney's base, by stating that the taxes we pay are sufficient if not extravagant and it attempts to satisfy the malcontents that insist on believing that the wealthy pay a lower percentage than they do.

of course it's all just politics and will ultimately fail. bloated corporate media will continue to make their millions off of catering to the lowest common denominator, people just like you. they will always concentrate on any opportunity to make the masses feel exploited, on the ludicrous idea that a janitor or a semi-skilled factory worker should be considered middle-class, on the neo-liberal meme that insists all conservatives are sociopaths and interested only in crushing the masses underfoot. of course the idiots are going to believe it. you are a prime example of this simple truth.

ah yes, i believe this is sound bite number 17 on the democrat's greatest hits album. it's one of the more popular tracks, especially with democrat operatives. it's right up there with "wealth = oppression (except for us)" and "you deserve more (as long as we get our cut)".
Sure... What can I say.. I get into the groove here and am inspired by the politics forum culture. When in the Mud we all get dirty. When one pig claims to be cleaner than the other then we know which is full of shit. Are you "cleaner", better than I here?

Tell me Romney would not expand opportunities for the iconic "Money Changers" and reduce alms for the poor unless it makes his tax rate look good.