Rockwool VS Jiffy Pots


Well-Known Member
Hello all

I'm about to start 20 seeds ordered from nirvana
(10xswazi + 10xHawaian skunk)

To germinate:
light or no light?
Higher temp (25 to 30 degree C?)
Distilled water or not?

Once they're germinated, should i use rockwool cubes or Jiffy pots filled with pro-mix potting soil.

If i use jiffy pots, is it good to keep the plant in the pot and let it grow roots throught the pots? So when i see the roots i just put the whole thing in a new bigger pot?

Thx alot
Rockwool tear a small piece off and cover seed head i've always had great success but its your choice.The reason i use rockwool is no muck is involved they hold water better so less watering.Then transfer to soil when plant looks healthy enougth to hold it's own.


Well-Known Member
Rockwool tear a small piece off and cover seed head i've always had great success but its your choice.The reason i use rockwool is no muck is involved they hold water better so less watering.Then transfer to soil when plant looks healthy enougth to hold it's own.

that is what I do. well i presoak in water first. then to paper towel, as other towel users do, then to rw. cover with a peice of the stuff. I put it into a seed dome or cover with a clear plastic cup with holes. In a day or so it should pop up.:-P