rockwool question

car washer

Active Member
Trying to follow Al B model with 40 mm cubes in Ebb Flow. Successfully germinate in ph'd rockwool and about 3 days after sprouting comes the taproot out of the bottom of cube almost 1/2 inch. Now I put cube 1/2 inch above flood level in hydroton and I think I missed the right mark because root is not growing after 3 more days and kind of brown but plant is still going okay with 2nd set of true leaves 1/2 way to their mark. Tips of first true leaves dry. Ebb & Flow has appropriate H202 and is PH'd to 5.8. Cube was kind of underwatered, I think.

1. Should I have waited until more roots came out to put into system?
2. If wait longer what do you put your cubes on under the light? Just the Ebb & Flow tray and handwater???

I hate rockwool but am determined...



Well-Known Member
I put my directly into my DWC setup after 5 days...... the roots were dangling under one of the rockwool cubes before i put it in there... and then it wouldnt grow into my water untill just recently.... dont worry about it.. i think it is normal (except the brown part..)

car washer

Active Member
I put my directly into my DWC setup after 5 days...... the roots were dangling under one of the rockwool cubes before i put it in there... and then it wouldnt grow into my water untill just recently.... dont worry about it.. i think it is normal (except the brown part..)
did you have multiple roots or just the taproot and would you wait for multiple before transfer?


Well-Known Member
This is my first hydro grow and im not an expert... but moving my rockwool into my netpot after 3-5 days worked out sucessfully for me...

EDIT: I just had 1/6 plants growing a (TAPROOT) root out of the bottom when i originally put them in the net pots... a few days later a second sprouted a root.... today i have 3 that sprouted roots ......