Rockwool/Medium Question

car washer

Active Member
Germinating 7 WW in 1.5" rockwool plugs. System is a 40 gallon Ebb&Flow (3' by 3' tray) with Hydroton medium. Question. Would you rather just transplant the sprouts sitting in the 1.5" plugs directly into the hydroton or go another level by putting the plugs into say 3" rockwool then into the hydroton? From what I read I want more air over eventual roots and more rockwool may work against that.

Please advise. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
1 ive heard rockwool is a pain in the arse anyway i would say there is no need to transplant 2 bigger rockwools... once roots are well enough established go for it

car washer

Active Member
1 ive heard rockwool is a pain in the arse anyway i would say there is no need to transplant 2 bigger rockwools... once roots are well enough established go for it
That's my inclination too. Afraid to make more expensive mistakes than I have already.
