Rockwoll Drip Systems?


Well-Known Member
Okay So I have a system. Drip with cage style baskets and piping for the roots to grow into. I find that When Feeding at the start my water pumps only need to be on every 3 hours for 2 minutes at a time .(So six times a day during the 18 hour period) This keeps them moist, they are growing quicker though (roots) and I think ill need to soon up my feeding. My Question is I want to know what other people who have used rockwoll in a drip system have done, BEcause I noticed that if the roots are just barely coming out of the baskets a 18 hour feeding schedule keeps em too wet and root rot begins to sit in,

ANY ADVICE HERE WOULD BE GREAT AS I GOT 128 Cheese going right now and could really use some help!!

Thanks For all that write in here!


Well-Known Member
Okay So I have a system. Drip with cage style baskets and piping for the roots to grow into. I find that When Feeding at the start my water pumps only need to be on every 3 hours for 2 minutes at a time .(So six times a day during the 18 hour period) This keeps them moist, they are growing quicker though (roots) and I think ill need to soon up my feeding. My Question is I want to know what other people who have used rockwoll in a drip system have done, BEcause I noticed that if the roots are just barely coming out of the baskets a 18 hour feeding schedule keeps em too wet and root rot begins to sit in,

ANY ADVICE HERE WOULD BE GREAT AS I GOT 128 Cheese going right now and could really use some help!!

Thanks For all that write in here!
Baskets? Are the rockwool cubes in hydroton? Got some pictures?


Well-Known Member
awesome system you got there + Rep to you. U can check out my journal im also using a drip to rockwool and I have my system running 24/7. Just make sure that you have a bubbler in the res for air. My thought is that the plant will always have the nutrients readily available whenever it needs it and has not failed me yet. Its totally up to you but I think that running it 24/7 will get the most out of your grow. One flaw in the design is your drainage pipes might get clogged from the roots so keep an eye on it. I have had to clear the roots out of my drainage like 3 times (them suckers get long). hopefully this helps. you are going to have a great grow with a system like that.


Well-Known Member
awesome system you got there + Rep to you. U can check out my journal im also using a drip to rockwool and I have my system running 24/7. Just make sure that you have a bubbler in the res for air. My thought is that the plant will always have the nutrients readily available whenever it needs it and has not failed me yet. Its totally up to you but I think that running it 24/7 will get the most out of your grow. One flaw in the design is your drainage pipes might get clogged from the roots so keep an eye on it. I have had to clear the roots out of my drainage like 3 times (them suckers get long). hopefully this helps. you are going to have a great grow with a system like that.

Thanks man, yeah right now ive got in on every 2 hours for 3 minutes, but the roots are growing now and IM going to try turning it on 18 hours and then 12 off with my lights.

This Hydro is ausome im really stoked how I can See everything perfect from NUTE intake and how much they are drinking. Ausome And heres a couple picks of my babys after 1 week in the system from clones., Ill post more as I go hehe,

Yeah I think theyere almost ready for the full feeding I just got some other clones that just rooted that I have to add to my second system. Also the ones in dirt ARE MY GREEN CRACK mothers for next time!


Well-Known Member
thanks man, yeah right now ive got in on every 2 hours for 3 minutes, but the roots are growing now and im going to try turning it on 18 hours and then 12 off with my lights.

This hydro is ausome im really stoked how i can see everything perfect from nute intake and how much they are drinking. Ausome and heres a couple picks of my babys after 1 week in the system from clones., ill post more as i go hehe,

yeah i think theyere almost ready for the full feeding i just got some other clones that just rooted that i have to add to my second system. Also the ones in dirt are my green crack mothers for next time!

woops the pictures didnt load here they are!



Well-Known Member
Okay so anyone else have any adive on this or what also algae? whats the deal is it harmful or what> I have a little bit on the top of my rockwoll cube but i quickly no damped it(which destroys algae its thew algae DESTROYER) so anyone got any helpful tips on keeping this stuff of my rockwoll?



Well-Known Member
Algae will grow in a top drip system every time, unless you cover the top of the rockwool so it cannot get any light, then the algae will not be able to grow at all.

I grow my plants with 2 feedings a day for 8 minutes at a time. MJ does not like to be wet all the time, once or twice a day feedings is fine when using Rockwool. 8 times sounds like an invitation to disaster and a rotted crop. If you were using Hydroton you could feed maybe 8 times with a drip, but RW holds a massive amount of liquid and I suggest you feed it less times per day to be safe.


Well-Known Member
IF YOU CAN HELP MY 15 little PLANTS..............I'M A GIRL AT A LOSS HERE!!!!!!
I have a couple SIMPLE questions. Can't find the answers ANYWHERE, pretty much everywhere I've looked. Check out the link below... I have 15 plants under a hydro setup, drip system. The "Drip System" is NOT dripping, but actually flowing out like a faucet out the black the pump pumps the water directly back into the plants...cycling the water continuously through when I have it turned on. The rockwools are 6 inchers, and seem to be EXTREMELY soaked....not drying out. They are encircled w/ clay pellets, and the drainage below is great.

1. What is the best way to water a 6 inch rockwool cube?
2. HOW MUCH water does it need at ONE watering (ie, an ounce, cup or gallon for each plant?)
3. How much time in between should I wait, and how do I know if it is dry enough to water again?
4. How can I get the water to spread throughout the entire top part of the cube, instead of just flowing down near the stem, and directly draining out the bottom 1/2 of the cube?
5. Is yellowing between veins, from the bottom of the plant to the top leaves, a sign of over-watering or just under nuting?

I AM SO GRATEFUL TO ANYONE WHO HELPS OUT!!!!!!!!!! you guys rock :)



Well-Known Member
Yeah i decided to go with every 3 hours for 2 minutes then 3 minutes then two alternating, My plants are loving this and i think untill i see wilting or drying and dieing roots I will stick with this, And I cam currently cutting out 128 little circles with holes in em of poly to black the light from the top of my RW, thanks for the INFO man i appreciate it,


Well-Known Member
IF YOU CAN HELP MY 15 little PLANTS..............I'M A GIRL AT A LOSS HERE!!!!!!
I have a couple SIMPLE questions. Can't find the answers ANYWHERE, pretty much everywhere I've looked. Check out the link below... I have 15 plants under a hydro setup, drip system. The "Drip System" is NOT dripping, but actually flowing out like a faucet out the black the pump pumps the water directly back into the plants...cycling the water continuously through when I have it turned on. The rockwools are 6 inchers, and seem to be EXTREMELY soaked....not drying out. They are encircled w/ clay pellets, and the drainage below is great.

1. What is the best way to water a 6 inch rockwool cube?
2. HOW MUCH water does it need at ONE watering (ie, an ounce, cup or gallon for each plant?)
3. How much time in between should I wait, and how do I know if it is dry enough to water again?
4. How can I get the water to spread throughout the entire top part of the cube, instead of just flowing down near the stem, and directly draining out the bottom 1/2 of the cube?
5. Is yellowing between veins, from the bottom of the plant to the top leaves, a sign of over-watering or just under nuting?

I AM SO GRATEFUL TO ANYONE WHO HELPS OUT!!!!!!!!!! you guys rock :)

Rock wool can hold a large amount of water for a long time. Your six inch cubes probably only need 1/2-3/4 cup of water per day at the most to keep the RW moist enough. If the roots are not dangling into nutrient solution then you have the problem of only having enough water to keep the RW moist , but not enough to keep the root zone properly fed. If you are growing plants that do not have roots into nute solution then you have to feed them more often. You might look into hydroton pebbles instead of RW if you have no other choice but to frequently water.

1) with a drip emitter or by hand, your sounds like it is missing the drip emitters and has just the tube ends letting water just flow out. Drip emitters will cut your flow into a much smaller amount.

2) Enough to keep it moist only, not wet or saturated.

3) 1-2 times per day for 5-10 minutes each time

4) RW is very porous and soaks up water kind of like a sponge does, if your watering by the stem that is the ideal spot as you want to get to the roots. The top half is getting soaked just as much as the bottom half is.

5) Yellowing can be caused by over watering, especially when accompanied by edges turning black, or black spots appearing, most other yellowing is nitrogen deficiency which can also be caused by over watering.

Interveinal yellowing starting with the older leaves first(The bottom)sounds like High ph causing magnesium deficiency, if the PH is in the range of 5.4-6.0 then its probably just deficient and can be cured with a couple teaspoons of Epsom salts in the nute solution. You can get Epsom salt at just about any grocery store by the hygiene aisle.


Well-Known Member
Algae will grow in a top drip system every time, unless you cover the top of the rockwool so it cannot get any light, then the algae will not be able to grow at all.
Impressive setup.

If you want to control algae, use some 35% hydrogen peroxide which is sold at most hydroponics stores. Just a little, like a tablespoon per 20 gallons of water. Err on the side of caution, a little too much and you will burn your leaves.


Well-Known Member
Impressive setup.

If you want to control algae, use some 35% hydrogen peroxide which is sold at most hydroponics stores. Just a little, like a tablespoon per 20 gallons of water. Err on the side of caution, a little too much and you will burn your leaves.
Yeah ive noticed that the roots are coming out of my plastic net posts and are starting to extend into my system. Right now im watering every hour for 2 minutes each time, This seems to be working as when I was watering less the began to droop. Now that they are on this schedule they are not wilting and seem to be "LOVING IT" Check out my grow journal guys, and YES I am using the hydro peroxide or Hyper oxygen in my res 3ml per galon.



Well-Known Member
Rock wool can hold a large amount of water for a long time. Your six inch cubes probably only need 1/2-3/4 cup of water per day at the most to keep the RW moist enough. If the roots are not dangling into nutrient solution then you have the problem of only having enough water to keep the RW moist , but not enough to keep the root zone properly fed. If you are growing plants that do not have roots into nute solution then you have to feed them more often. You might look into hydroton pebbles instead of RW if you have no other choice but to frequently water.

1) with a drip emitter or by hand, your sounds like it is missing the drip emitters and has just the tube ends letting water just flow out. Drip emitters will cut your flow into a much smaller amount.

2) Enough to keep it moist only, not wet or saturated.

3) 1-2 times per day for 5-10 minutes each time

4) RW is very porous and soaks up water kind of like a sponge does, if your watering by the stem that is the ideal spot as you want to get to the roots. The top half is getting soaked just as much as the bottom half is.

5) Yellowing can be caused by over watering, especially when accompanied by edges turning black, or black spots appearing, most other yellowing is nitrogen deficiency which can also be caused by over watering.

Interveinal yellowing starting with the older leaves first(The bottom)sounds like High ph causing magnesium deficiency, if the PH is in the range of 5.4-6.0 then its probably just deficient and can be cured with a couple teaspoons of Epsom salts in the nute solution. You can get Epsom salt at just about any grocery store by the hygiene aisle.
THank you for that. It really clears up some worries for me. Should the water literally be SLOWLY dripping out the dripper...allowing about 1/2-2/4 cup/ day? A sprinkler type head would not be good then?


Well-Known Member
MAn im finding that what alot of people are saying here is suspect. I would just test the waters urself, Like what about when the roots are so long that they go out of the rockwoll into tubes, if theres not moisture on those roots they will shrival and die. ITs kinda like a test as u go type deal, like as soon as my babies are looking thirsty i up the feed by 1 hour and 1 minute. RIght now im feeding 9 times a day 1 minute at a time and im using cage style drippers :P


Well-Known Member
You can give the rockwool that half to quarter cup any way you want throughout the day. Basically you just need to get used to either the look or weight of the rockwool when it is the right moisture level. There is a pretty big acceptable range between to wet and dry. I personally water my plants by hand and only water them every few days. The amount of water needed depends on the size of the cube and how much the plant is using. When I water I completely soak the plant then shake off the excess.

Like the other guy said you need to just play around with it a bit and see what works for you. You can water it a little everyday and try to maintain the moisture level or just give it a big watering every few days either way the plant will get everything it needs.

Regarding your question about the water going straight through the cube and dripping out the bottom. If the rockwool dries out completely you might need to dunk it in some water to get it to wick correctly. If it is moist then it should take any water that you put into it and spread it evenly through the entire cube. If it has dried though then the water will not spread around it will simply wet a small area then drip out.

THank you for that. It really clears up some worries for me. Should the water literally be SLOWLY dripping out the dripper...allowing about 1/2-2/4 cup/ day? A sprinkler type head would not be good then?