Rock Resinator...Any PH issues?


Active Member
Hey RIU,

Has anyone used this product before? I'm trying to get some feedback as I was having some issues with PH rising when I added this to the feed. I pulled it out to see if I'm having an underlining issue other than the Rock that could be throwing my PH levels.

Thanks for any feedback!


Well-Known Member
Currently running an OG kush with the Rock line. I haven't had any PH issues with Resonator. Are u using it as your sole flowering additive?


Active Member
Currently running an OG kush with the Rock line. I haven't had any PH issues with Resonator. Are u using it as your sole flowering additive?

No I'm not, I'm using Fluraduo A & B, CalMag, Diamond Necter, Floralicious, Bud Candy. I was using Rock for about a week but I dropped that and using Liquid Koolbloom. I also dose with drip clean from H&G.

Also, I noticed a week ago my PH pen broke, so the readings could of just been off but I'm doing a compare and see if it was the Rock or something else. Plants are fine but 1 did show purple stems so definitely something is up.