Road Trip With Mary Jane


New Member
What's up buds?

This is my first post on this site. This seemed like the best place to get some stoner knowledge. I'm going on a road trip across the US (Florida to Boson, Boston to LA, LA to Vancouver, for those interested). It's going to take about 2-3 months. I am looking for different ways to bring Mary Jane with me. My basic goal is to bring as much with me, while still being able to have a cop search my car (Without a dog, of course).

My first idea was just to bring a couple ounce slab of hash and keep it in my boxer briefs if I get stopped. I won't have any peices with me, so I can't really do shatter/bho/etc. Tincture is a good idea, and I could just put it in a dark alcohol bottle (Jagermeister or something). Another idea I had was to do a dry ice extraction and instead of pressing it into hash, just fill gelatin pill capsules and put it in my Eleuthero Root bottle (they look the exact same).

If you have any other ideas I'd really like to hear them, including where to stash shit in your car. Thanks for your help O wise ones.


Well-Known Member
Not sure about other states but in cali as long as you dont go threw a checkpoint and your not breaking the law your fine with a joint in your hand.
Not sure about other states but in cali as long as you dont go threw a checkpoint and your not breaking the law your fine with a joint in your hand.
This, I've driven around plenty of cops smoking when I was younger. WAY MORE TIMES than I should have. Never once has a cop seen me and been like, OMFG that guy has a blunt!!! Cops aren't the brightest bunch when it comes to mary jane. And not all dogs are drug dogs. I found that out when I DID get pulled over, not because of marijuana. It was cold and I drove my gf home not even 1 mile away without warming up my car. Pulled over for non defrosted windows. The cop goes, why does it smell like marijuana? My brother, because we just smoked a fat ass blunt. He took the blame and said no one else had anything to do with it. He owed me big time for something back in the day. :) Point is, unless you see dogs, you are usually in the clear if you're car isn't a p.o.s. and there isn't clutter everywhere.


Well-Known Member
If you're old and bald with a generic car you're good to go. That's how I road trip. Consider your appearance too. Profiling is big.


New Member
This, I've driven around plenty of cops smoking when I was younger. WAY MORE TIMES than I should have. Never once has a cop seen me and been like, OMFG that guy has a blunt!!! Cops aren't the brightest bunch when it comes to mary jane.
It has nothing to do with how bright they are...if you were driving around them smoking, they a.) did not give a fuck...b.) did not notice it. But to say they aren't bright when it comes to whether a person is smoking a joint right in front of them is a dumb fucking thing to say, considering they deal with potheads on a daily basis. So please, enough of the young 20-year-old-guy know-it-all assumptions, because those cops are a lot smarter than you think. Just because they don't bust you doesn't mean they don't know, dumb ass.