RO Water w/ General Organics GO Line, Hydroponics PH Always way too high help..


New Member
So I am using BC northern Lights Roomate , I am using RO water and The Go Box from General Organics I am using a hydroponics sysstem. The GO Line says no need to mess with ph but meanwhile the ph is always in the mid 7's and one plant has no issue the other has been getting killed from it and both plant's roots dont look great like brownish and stringy. I'm pretty sure its my ph levels. What do you guys do with the GO line do all of you have this issue? I bought Humboldt Nutrients natural PH Down called Flavorful which only lasts for a few hours and back up on the ph.

What does the brownish stringy roots mean and is caused by ph?

What do you guys do to combat GO line's ph always being high?



Well-Known Member
even GH suggests not to use GO for soilless ...organics grow microbes adding some subculture-b to keep the majority good microbs and not bad ones that could be causing damping off and they usually buff the pH


Well-Known Member
If you are wanting to stabilize your Ph I would suggest using using Ph down from General Hydroponics.... there are other ways like using powdered lime but here's a link you can check out..
Using PH down by GH is considered a no-no in organics according to the Rev. Lime will only drive the ph higher. Stop that bullshit advice. Holy crap. Just listen for awhile and don't add any horrible advice.


Well-Known Member
lol wierd thread :D

if your in hydro you need to keep the PH of your res./tank at 5,6 to 6,2 all the time, organic or not

View attachment 2743313

I would also look in to hydrogen peroxide/H2O2 looking at your root`s

but best advice I an give you is to go and do a lot of reading/research, best way to get fast and good advice is to know for yourself in the first place, you wont get fare in here if it shins through that you did`t do much home work your self to begin with or for that matter calling us lame for not sitting ready to safe your plants, we cant grow em for ya you know

have a nice weekend
