ReVeg - am I doing this correct?


Active Member
So I'm attempting a reveg experiment in a tent. Strain is TGA 3D. I put them under these CFLs on day 80 after chopping about 60% of the buds in the prior 2 weeks.

This is the 10th day of 18-6 hours of light, and so far I'm not noticing much change in plant, only a little more decay of the leaves.

I've been running a veg nute solution at 350ppm. The most I gave them in flower was about 900ppm, didn't want to burn leaves b/c I knew I would try the reveg. After switching to 18-6, the ph was dropping to about 5 each day during first week and I would raise it. Now, the ph has been holding around 6.0 for the past few days.

Thoughts? Do I have any shot at getting some 'clonable' material soon? Should I throw a 600watt bulb in there, or up the ppm?




Well-Known Member
i would use 24/0 lighting until you see new growth, then you can cut back to 18 but i would leave them 24 for weeks then get some only on the cfl, no red for reveg.


Well-Known Member
I've revegged a few times I cut all the bud and flower off and leave as mush leaf as I can
then into 24 hrs light with a hid
things always look worse before it gets better
the single blade flower leaves et big and die
and I always had alot of shit looking dead growth on the plant
but I belive the amount of light plays a importaint role
and having the veg nutes at 350-600 sounds about right to me
hope this helped


Well-Known Member
I went with 18 hrs, left about the bottom third including buds. Hit easy veg nutes and it's bushy as shit at 2 weeks.