Returning to growing....Thought I would say hello...


Well-Known Member
Have not grown weed for about 8 years. Things in life change and happen, we
put away some things for others, it happens.

Use to LOVE to grow. Got pretty good at it, had an amazing collection of
genetics, mostly old school strains, leaning towards the Sativa side of things,
as I prefer her high better. When I shut down growing, I put up seeds of all
my girls. Took great care...........thought I had, lol............. when it was time to return
to growing, I assumed I was set n ready to go(all fem'd seeds by me) .

Go to get my seeds. Pull the nice wooden box down off my upper closet shelf where
it has been for a decade. Open the box..............F me!!!!! They are all ROASTED!!!
Cannot believe I didn't place them in a better spot. Most likely got 120 degree's in there
at times. I live in the South West, it's FRIGGN hot

OH crap...........fummed for days...........then said WTF, I'll buy some genetics.
Lots have changed since the 70's n 80's in the seed scene. Dont like it, don't trust
the genetics, seems ALL my favorites are gone, or crossed, or said to have deteriorated.

Call my old stand by in Canada.........Brad..........we talk, all is good. He has others for me.
BUT.........gotta mail cash...........send it here........then wait till he gets it.........then IF he has the
beans, he sends them some time thanks, NOT my style.

Dig around, find a friend of a friend of a friend, who gives me a cut of White Widow. He
has grown it 10 years, same plant. Says very very good, the PROPER pheno of her kind.
The cut is TINY, weak, and not in good shape. She also cooks in the top case of my motorcycle
on the ride home in 100 degree heat n sun. Never fails huh, lol...........

I about killed her.........but I know she can be saved, but will take a while, will come out of this SHOCKED
n stunted, and I'm WEEKS away from doing anything with it.

Start cleaning Hydro equipment............buckets, nets, lines, filters, bubble stones. Checking
all the air pumps and intake and exhaust axial fans. Get the cabinets ready. Days go by,
got everything clean n ready for use. Lights all check out ok, bulbs are fine, just waiting on
the lil one to recover and give me some cuts,lol. Need some "rocks" for the buckets,
Google dro near me, find a shop real close I never knew existed. Go check it out.

Very cool old dude my age runs n owns it. One man shop. I hung out for a couple
of hours, made a new friend, and bought some rocks n NUTES, lots o nutes, lol,
he liked that!!

A week goes by, lil white is gonna be just fine, but gonna be forever before she will give up
anything I can use. I have everything set up n ready to go. Go to dro shop n bullshit w/owner.
Buy a couple lil things like light adjusters, fan speed controllers, and a 200 watt CFL.
He asks me if I would like a cut of some of his stuff. He crossed it all, and is proud of it.
SAID HELL YEAH, lol...give me something to do till whitey wakes up. He gives me 5 cuts,
20 seeds, and 1/2 oz of his " Cloud Watcher" (HazeXForgot whatXForgot ..
I can smell the Haze in the finished product. I'm STOKED, lol. As I am about to leave,
in walks a "regular". Owner introduces me.........we BOND, lol, instantly. He is SO PROUD of his
Afghan he keeps it on him all the time, and gets people high all the time. We go out back, have 2
hits each off a little one hitter real quick like, go back in. He gives his hitter to the owner, he goes out
while we watch his store..............YEAH, nothing has changed in MY weed world, lol..........I ALWAYS have
the skill( I mean luck) to find the cool people .

Owner comes back in, goes in the back, into his storage room, to get something I bought.
The two of us follow him in there, we all take about 3 more hits off the "regulars" "afghan" .
Regular offers me cuts if I would like, gives me his #, takes off. Me n owner go back into his store
to settle up. He asks me if I thought the "regulars" weed was any good. I'm thinking....HMMM, caught a
LITTLE buzz off two quick hits, then 3 minutes later I had 3 more. I have a decent buzz, but nothing great
i would say. How about YOU????

He looks at me and says.........I cant operate the computer..and starts laughing. I look at him and
start laughing. Come around his display case to help him. As I walk around the case, I do not notice(DoH)
the damn 3 inch floor change level, and crash into his garbage can on the way down, lol. As I'm getting up
I realize I AM GETTING stoned!! LOL. Like real stoned. WOW Stuff hit me like a hammer. Took a few minutes
but I realize I am Indica'd to the MAXXX !! Neither one of us could figure out what I bought or how to pay for is now 3 weeks later...........I still have not settled with him as both of us are fuzzy on what happened after

So, from 1 stunned lil widow, I now find myself with more than I know what to do with!! LOL!!!
Here it is 3 weeks later. I have the lil white KICKING it, owners 5 different cuts going , all his
seeds he gave me came up in 2 days.ALLLL...............CRAP, "regulars" cuts
he gave me the next day after meeting him are NICE ..and taking off in veg.........

When I saw the lil WW was cooked ....and Brad was no longer a viable seed option for me,
I spent a stoned out evening surfing seed banks and seedy sites, lol, and ordered $511 worth
of genetics I wanted to grow. Being the Ultimate stoner, I naturally forgot I even ordered them,
were suppose to take a month to get because of "stealth" shipping. They showed up in 6 days,
and I threw them down the very next day(18 hour soak, then into Rapid Rooters) ..

But of course all of them came up...........3 different strains, threw all 10 down of each, all
10 up of MY HANDS ARE FULL.from zero to OMG in 3 weeks, how does this happen???

Oh yeah.................I'm a stoner..................

Hope to make some new friends here. Feel free to post up anything you desire........peace.........

I think I will start a grow journal.............use to do them all the time on OG............