Resilient ass plants..


New Member
So on my first grow, defeated over watering and nutrient problems then there was some shit going on and I was about to chop them up but I had someone take the babies out the house and they were in this cooold ass trailer for 2 days in the dark. After everything blew over I brought them back home and got them back into their routine for 2 days now and theyre looking good already (:
I read something on this website that said bro you're growing weeds, they take a beating. I now know that. Lol


Well-Known Member
I love the structure on those plants...very small inter-node spacing.

Do you mind if I ask what strain that is?



New Member
I wish I knew, these were clones taken off of an unknown plant. I'm not even sure how to tell if they're indica or sativa. The moms leaves are about to flower and the inside of the leaves are getting this dope ass purple color so idk /: