resilence of the plant


Active Member
I went to check on my stash today and saw my leaves totally fucked. on 3 out of my 5 plants I would say 50% of the leaves are destroyed becuase of slugs. This is my first time growing outdoors bymyself and I use Bug b gon slug killer. Do you guys think that these three plants are gonna die and is there nothing I can do?

Willie North

Well-Known Member
Just mix soap and water in a spray bottle and spray it on the the plants leaves!
should do tha trick
Pics would help too :)


Well-Known Member
I went to check on my stash today and saw my leaves totally fucked. on 3 out of my 5 plants I would say 50% of the leaves are destroyed becuase of slugs. This is my first time growing outdoors bymyself and I use Bug b gon slug killer. Do you guys think that these three plants are gonna die and is there nothing I can do?
give them a drink and put the slug pellets out..
as to being fine they should be i have had them recover from being striped by locusts before.
they are quite a hardy little weed..


Active Member
I think my problem was I didnt check on the plants for 3 weeks and its kinda been a rainy summer. so the slugs went to town, but i just checked on them today and there was mad flies because of all the dead slugs, now i used salt and slug killer as a barrier, and coiled the stalk of the plants w/copper wire, however they did look better than what they were



Well-Known Member
Hi CGM... they'll be fine now...shit my cat eats mine..... they look very healthy......
except holes..... sigh ..