Republican or Democrat?


there's not a dimes difference between a republican and a democrat.....they are all full of shit

Politician ---Greek

Poly ---many

Tician ----tics

politician = Many ticks

Uhmm no.

Polis= city state
Tician= Professional
Politican= Professional Statist


Active Member
I'm a Libertarian.

I believe that the government we have today is too intrusive in our daily lives, and that we basically live in an ever progressing nanny state. Our politicians are fiscally irresponsible and morally reprehensible, and we are in a drastic need of government reduction. Unfortunately this will never come about until a major collapse occurs (and there's a decent chance of that coming soon the way things are going.) I hope that future governments will stop trying to micromanage the world, and will stick to more basic and manageable principles.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Im neither party, I vote for the politicians that want to UNDO laws and regulations.

As an aside to the video link boneman posted. IMO why do so many people think it is the governments job to solve this oil spill? The government knows jack shit about oil spills and the technology used to fix it. If the government is tasked with stopping the oil, were all fucked cuz if there is one thing government is REALLY REALLY good at its fucking things up BADLY!! The gubbermint cannot stick to a budget, has corrupted politicians at the highest levels of office, with near 100% surety they will screw the pooch.