Replacement or Not


Well-Known Member
Dear RIU'ers,

Recently I had a nasty encounter with spider mites, and through my own inexperience and stupidity I fear I will be losing all (just a few plants) of the Big Buddha Blue Cheese that I have been growing for the last year. I have one clone left and it looks like it's going to kick eventually. I've lived and learned from this experience, but I have a question for RIU.

I can either attempt to procure some BB BC seeds, or try something else. I really liked the BB BC because it's growth habits, nutrient hunger, the euphoric but not over powering effects, and especially because it had a nice floral aroma. Some people say it smelled like blueberry muffins, others just caught a hint of blueberry...regardless, myself and others liked how this mom and her clones smelled.

Lets just say I don't get more BB BC seeds, does anyone have some ideas for a replacement? I'd like something that smells like "blueberry" (or has a chance of), and something that grows in a nice "indica xmas tree" shape. Nutrient "fickleness", or finishing time are of no concern.

Fem seeds don't scare me, and I'd actually prefer them should they be from a reputable source. I'd like to obtain the aforementioned traits without spending too much money. I see that BB BC fem 5 packs can be obtained for ~50-60 USD, so anything over that is probably too much.

With all of that being said thank for reading, any ideas?