

Active Member
can u make the reputaion module easyer to see others and find your own and allow leaving negative rep in some way since i find most people here are extreamlly helpful and omg i love some of you but christ there are some annoying ejits that just give false info that people should know not to trust but im a newb and these people dont help thank you very much


Well-Known Member
It is easy to see others rep (and your own). It's in every post. The little black squares (and red if they have them) under Gallery, in the upper right corner of every post. If you hover above it it says something like so and so is on a distinguished road or so and so is a diamond in the rough.

If you want to see someone's exact rep count you go to their profile, click on the vBExperience tab, and under Points for user it tells that persons Reputation points.

As for negative rep, we used to have that, but it just caused more problems. People would neg rep you just because they disagreed with you, or leave neg rep without a name. It's better to just accentuate the positive :grin: