+rep to attitde seedbank


Well-Known Member
Yea man I just got my beans from them today bruh... Took advantage of the DNA/Reserva Privada promo. Got Cataract Kush and some others. I did also read some guy got $500 worth seized by customs :(. All apart of the game I guess, still sucks though. Ordered on the 5th.
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That eases the stress a bit. I love Reserva Privada. Just started another l.a. confidential cheese plant


Well-Known Member
Attitude is a fair good seedbank although if you have problems, cracked seeds, non-germs, etc and complain.....they will only replace with YOUR NEXT ORDER if at all!!! They won't do it on their own.....only if you spend MORE MONEY.
That being said, I've order from'em several times and grew some dank shit.....They are a bit overpriced on some things but overall are still a good supplier.


Well-Known Member
Attitude is a fair good seedbank although if you have problems, cracked seeds, non-germs, etc and complain.....they will only replace with YOUR NEXT ORDER if at all!!! They won't do it on their own.....only if you spend MORE MONEY.
That being said, I've order from'em several times and grew some dank shit.....They are a bit overpriced on some things but overall are still a good supplier.
I think the promos make up for it timed and planned orders make up for the pricing and the shipping cost. that can get annoying when making small orders and getting the same ug ass tshirt. But w/e beggers can't be choosers in the US. Some good freebies come out sometimes and the buy one get one free offers. We'll see with this "Biggest Promo Ever" they'll have soon

That eases the stress a bit. I love Reserva Privada. Just started another l.a. confidential cheese plant
How was the last Confid. Cheese? stinky in flower?

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Quick question to every who has ordered from Attitude. I'm wanting to order from Attitude and was worried about my credit card info getting me into trouble or something so I tried to find a gift card credit card that i could use to order them. But they all had restriction about either making purchases out of the country or over the internet and the only one I could find that would work was the greendot card but they require all your info like a regular credit card. So my questions boils down to 1) Do you know of a Gift Card that will work ordering from the states and 2) If you didn't use a Gift Card did you just use a Money Order and 3) should i just stop being a bitch and order them with my card. Sorry if the question is a little of topic. Thanks
JUST order with your card! It's NO problem.......BB


Well-Known Member
Sweet grow BB, I have also used money order but it took forever! I switched
to C.C. and it's marginally faster.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hey Puck, the truth is, of the 15 strains I started Dec 27, 9 were freebies! I think they're all looking great, no BS in the bunch.
I have a freebie Chronic going that looks super promising, I'd like to keep her as a mother, but sadly, no room for that.
Anyway, Good luck & good grow.......BB