Removed a lot of "leafage"


haha, most likely :D

just do like i do... some of the best growing advice i've gotten to date was from my grandpa (who has nothing to do with weed, but his thumb is greener than anyone i know)... he said just feed and water it and leave it alone; let it grow... you cant grow for it:mrgreen:... didnt make sense at first, but basically dont worry too much, cause when you stress over it you start trying to fix problems that arent really there and screw yourself over... works for me...


Well-Known Member
that makes a lot of sense, the less i try to "mother" my plants and the more i just do the basics, the better they seem to do.

quite surprised i have got this far on my first attempt! gives me hope for the future. :)


that makes a lot of sense, the less i try to "mother" my plants and the more i just do the basics, the better they seem to do.

quite surprised i have got this far on my first attempt! gives me hope for the future. :)

looks a damn sight better than my first attempt... you're gonna do fine....


Well-Known Member
Being totally honest i am not a pro, but from my experience...
You want as many leaves as possible. Light on your bud will do nothing for the plant. Photosynthesis only occurs in the leaves. I use more lights than most people. I let the bottom leaves get a lot of light also because if they are getting more direct light they will make bigger buds. If you have light on every leaf then they are all proforming photosynthesis. A plant that is not recieving light on particular leaves is going to kill off that leaf. If you cut off that leaf you are doing that plant a favor...
another thing to think about
Leaves that are closer to the roots are going to get more nurishment. Mostly people leave the lights just at the top of the plant and just hope that some is reflected to the bottom. I actually have lights near the bottom of the plant also just to make sure the maximum level of Photosynthesis is being accomplished. I laugh at other peoples plants because their buds come off as big as their
The buds on the plants i grow are mostly the size of my wrist "give or take."
Can you post a pic of your light setup? I've been thinking about ways to get more light to the whole plant, not just the tops.


Well-Known Member
Can you post a pic of your light setup? I've been thinking about ways to get more light to the whole plant, not just the tops.
i added mylar to increase my light's effectiveness.

works well i must say. light that may have been lost is now bouncing back on the plant from every angle. even put some on the floor.


Well-Known Member
This oughtta make you feel better. A pic of the sole survivor of my first grow. 1 out of 8 ain't TOO bad I guess. Yep, I worried over them so much I kept trying to fix what aint broke.
Like I said before, I don't think "first grows" really count. You're just getting your feet wet.