Religious Stories, Thoughts and Feelings.


Experience is subjective, our hearts our closed to one another. Our minds however can for the most part be told through language which If we do not master, we will always betray our true feelings and show some we would rather not, as we can not articulate every experience.
The plainer we talk the harder to fully emote ourselves for others to understand, and the farther along we express our thoughts and feelings with more explanations with more specialized words the more convoluted our understandings of one another can become.

I want this thread to be a place where people can write stories and feelings about religion, spirituality and how you have been effected by religion along with your thoughts on it. Just random experiences you've had with the people, the religion itself, what your thoughts are and really flush them out.

Anyone can shout out they're opinion, but every opinion is formed one way or another, I'd like to hear from anyone and everyone on experiences with the subject, not just how you feel on the subject but Why you feel this way.

-Some thoughts-
-When I was little I always had a sense of the authoritative power always watching, If I needed something I just but call, Whether I got what I wanted was a different matter. If I was doing something "bad" I was stopped and normally punished.
-When I did find out that experience was subjective by grasping the concept that when no one was around they didn't know what I was doing, which I did not put in those words at the time, I was never really introduced or didn't retain, as I can not recall all of the early years of my life, to the idea and concept of God. When I was first exposed to the concept of God and the Bible, I saw it as something to stop me from doing things my parents or the creators of this book found were bad. This is how I thought of the Bible along with Christianity.

-So men in a savage early living manner comparatively, which I had heard such and found no reason to doubt, men who could write and had learned higher education, what we're the motives of these men? I thought to myself. At this point I have to interrupt and say that the saying "The pen is mightier than the sword" was a saying I found very interesting early in life. Which I can only think derived from such authors of The Bible, because men who have such education and higher thinking, living in a world of uneasy, shifting governments, war, the world described before the Lord washed away everything with the great flooding, How could great men capable of writing this do so?
-The only thoughts I mustered at first were that; they wanted to stop the civil unrest, the great pain that surrounded them. The authors of such one or many, I do not know at which I make no attempt to distinguish, had benefits in doing so, They wanted a society with no uncertainty, or certainty in the uncertain through learning
the convenient truths that help them coop with the hard lives.
I find that The Bible(and most religions) was an early explanation of things that could not be explained at the time, and Also a Survival guide to the human experience. Even more so if everyone believed in a loose interpretation with a general love for life, would society and life be grand? Humans ruin this though, and many see religion as a means to an end.
-Most Religions are peaceful and loving, but yet what do we see with religion? Hateful killings, crusades, social controls by the government, Things that are contrary to the teachings, things that hate life.
-We can not know if these events happened or not, for death washed it away, and we lost the people involved.
-I do not know if there is a supreme being, I will not guess, as I simply do not know.
If there is a God I do not know him, and can find no means to, If it is real then from what I understand, I go to hell to suffer for eternity, which my human experience is but a spec compared to.
-If it is not real, then my body dies one day, my body created from the nutrients my mother digested, and I will I guess return to how it was before I was born, nothingness, and my body will be eaten or just dissolved away into building blocks of life again, ashes to ashes.
-I want to say now, that Death terrifies me, I can logically process it, understand that no matter what I do it is coming, and as I experience this minute clacking the little white letters on the back drop of a black keyboard, this could be my last breath I fill my lungs with, and if it is not my last breath and I'm not very ill or sleeping when I die, my last breath I breathe in will be exactly like the one I take now, and that this moment will if not in this instant happen now, will happen with my mind in the present, able to recall the past, and not knowing the future, everything will stop, and nothing more.


Well-Known Member
owww, ur pressing my buttons now. lol im tempted to reply.

all im gona say is that ur onto something interesting.
-I do not know if there is a supreme being, I will not guess, as I simply do not know.
If there is a God I do not know him, and can find no means to, If it is real then from what I understand, I go to hell to suffer for eternity, which my human experience is but a spec compared to.

well lets say there is a god? can u describe a small bit of gods nature through mother nature and ourselves and whats around us,space etc...?


-Spiders design those really down right perfect looking webs, geometric shapes with repeating patterns broken only by new waves of patterns, Cut most any mammal open and you'll see a similar theme, hearts, brains, livers, a stomach or two. The order in which all these things happen has to be more than just chance right.

-The whole omni-presence thing doesn't make sense to me, because if he is everywhere and everything, everything just seems relative at that point, cause we are god?

I don't think I understand the question dickdasterdly666.

Maui Waui

Active Member
well the reason that all mammals have hearts brains ect is simply evolution its what they needed to survive.


Well-Known Member
I would say its not because its what they needed to survive, I would say; Its because they were efficient at surviving because they had those things.

The being is the carrier tricked to feed the cells of itself. The cells replicate and send the genetic code down the line.



I'm sorry, I meant that as a hypothetical question, just a way of thinking as an example to Dicks question.

-I like to think Biology can tell me why types of animals have the same organs or basic set up or at the very least gives me a satisfactory answer.
-Just look at any Evolutionary trees and you can deduct similar conclusions as mine, which is that there is an archetype for all these animal groups.
-I know there is unrooted genetic tree but those always seem like they just snipped the root of the tree out.