Reddish/Purple Petioles...?


Active Member
All my babies petioles are now developing a purple stripe along the 'leaf stem'... The leaves are all pretty crispy now, definitely not the soft, cool feel of a healthy leaf.

Pictures and all relevant info was posted in perhaps the wrong forum... anyhow here it is.

Please help, they've been going south for a couple days now... and just getting worse, mostly due to my misdiagnosis.
Hey man--

jus wondering, how often do you water and when did you start giving nutes? Also your plants seem to have tiny blackish/brown speckles-- have you inspected for bugs?


Well-Known Member
First let me say that plant doesnt look that bad atm. Looks prity healthy in fact.

Agree with above posted about the black dots, what are they?

As far as the purpling and the light green looks to be a Nitrogen def. Using molasses might not have solved it if so. A proper fertiliser might be better.

The baby leaves (cba trying to spell the proper word) always shrivel and die like that. Its very normal. If the bottom leaves start to die though then its a bit more serious.

Any particular reason why you only want to use organic?

Edit: If you can get a fan to point directly between the light and the canopy it would help a lot in reducing that temp. 92 is just a little to hot.


Hey man--

jus wondering, how often do you water and when did you start giving nutes? Also your plants seem to have tiny blackish/brown speckles-- have you inspected for bugs?
Was watering when the soil started to crack around the edge of the pot, which was nearly daily sometimes every other day... it is kindof a small pot too but yeah :( been overwatering.

First 'feeding' was 07AUG and I flushed on the ninth cause I'm crazy and thought I overfed her.

Peeked with my scope and it looks like little pieces my medium splashed up or something.


First let me say that plant doesnt look that bad atm. Looks prity healthy in fact.

Agree with above posted about the black dots, what are they?

As far as the purpling and the light green looks to be a Nitrogen def. Using molasses might not have solved it if so. A proper fertiliser might be better.

The baby leaves (cba trying to spell the proper word) always shrivel and die like that. Its very normal. If the bottom leaves start to die though then its a bit more serious.

Any particular reason why you only want to use organic?

Edit: If you can get a fan to point directly between the light and the canopy it would help a lot in reducing that temp. 92 is just a little to hot.
I've always grown things organic since I was young and gardening with my grandma (lol) so it just kindof came to me naturally. (no pun intended)

Also, its an issue of availability because of my location things are very hard to find/obtain, so if they can be found around the house it is much easier for me. I can't even get Amazon to send me a moisture meter...

The light has been raised to about 19 1/2", randomly raised it then measured, and now my wall mounted "exhaust fan" is pretty much blowing directly under it as opposed to across the top as it was before.

Hmm, so overwatering/nitro def.? Does that account for the crispy leaves too..

Growth is definitely not as explosive as it used to be, it that because I've stressed the hell out of her?


Active Member
I've always grown things organic since I was young and gardening with my grandma (lol) so it just kindof came to me naturally. (no pun intended)

Also, its an issue of availability because of my location things are very hard to find/obtain, so if they can be found around the house it is much easier for me. I can't even get Amazon to send me a moisture meter...

The light has been raised to about 19 1/2", randomly raised it then measured, and now my wall mounted "exhaust fan" is pretty much blowing directly under it as opposed to across the top as it was before.

Hmm, so overwatering/nitro def.? Does that account for the crispy leaves too..

Growth is definitely not as explosive as it used to be, it that because I've stressed the hell out of her?
Chances are... yeah. However I am no expert (yet) -- But no worries, it's a weed after all, so all should be fine. From now on, make sure the soil is dry before watering. Completely dry. Jus stick your finger in the soil like 2-3 inches deep along the side of the pot, and if its totally dry, water her a bit. I know I did the same thing, over watered my plant when she was just a sprout. Her growth was severely stunted. However, (I corrected a Ph issue I had also) and stopped drowning her, and now she's coming back to life with a vengance! lol.

Also don't give too many nutrients too quick, it could get "nute lockup" (or whatever its referred to as) and will also prevent your plant from growing at its normal rate. If you should always start at half the rec. concentration and slowly work your way up. If you need more step-by-step advice and tips, the main forum threads are very good.

Also if you enjoy organics and around the house stuff, I have a link you should check out, its a bunch of organic and chemical compounds/items found around the house that can be used for fertilizer, they even broke down the N-P-K concentrations. Hope this helps man!

If I were you though, I would correct the watering issue first, let your plant re-bound a bit from that, then fix the Nitro def if that is the issue.

Good luck man.

PS. When you have nutrients in your soil, flushing with water binds to the fertilizer and gets absorbed into your plants. Therefore flushing only releases more nutrients-- worse thing to do if you have nutrient enriched soil.... Not sure if you mentioned something about nutrient enriched soil, I thought I'd throw tht in there to be safe lol. sorry -- real baked lol.


Chances are... yeah. However I am no expert (yet) -- But no worries, it's a weed after all, so all should be fine. From now on, make sure the soil is dry before watering. Completely dry. Jus stick your finger in the soil like 2-3 inches deep along the side of the pot, and if its totally dry, water her a bit. I know I did the same thing, over watered my plant when she was just a sprout. Her growth was severely stunted. However, (I corrected a Ph issue I had also) and stopped drowning her, and now she's coming back to life with a vengance! lol.

Also don't give too many nutrients too quick, it could get "nute lockup" (or whatever its referred to as) and will also prevent your plant from growing at its normal rate. If you should always start at half the rec. concentration and slowly work your way up. If you need more step-by-step advice and tips, the main forum threads are very good.

Also if you enjoy organics and around the house stuff, I have a link you should check out, its a bunch of organic and chemical compounds/items found around the house that can be used for fertilizer, they even broke down the N-P-K concentrations. Hope this helps man!

If I were you though, I would correct the watering issue first, let your plant re-bound a bit from that, then fix the Nitro def if that is the issue.

Good luck man.

PS. When you have nutrients in your soil, flushing with water binds to the fertilizer and gets absorbed into your plants. Therefore flushing only releases more nutrients-- worse thing to do if you have nutrient enriched soil.... Not sure if you mentioned something about nutrient enriched soil, I thought I'd throw tht in there to be safe lol. sorry -- real baked lol.
Thanks for the advice/info... sweet chart by the way!